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I still see the boys playing. Their band is called Xero. Interesting name. They like Numb so much, so I decited to give it to them. What would it be to me?

I sit under the tree where I prefer to sit. I like the nature. We have a free hour, and the teacher has decided to go out with us. No one has objected. The summer is slowly coming to the end. I wanted to pull out the sketch book when I heard three familiar voices. Mike, Rob and Brad. They didn't even notice me.
"Oh, there's Grace!" Mike shouted. Brad hits him with his elbows. I laughted. I waved to them, and show them come here. At least I can talk to them.
They come to me and sit down. Mike and Rob alternately stare at me and Brad.
"What is it?" I asked. I lift one eyebrow.
"Something you're up to us." Mike smiles.
"What, too?" Brad exasperated.
"Are you dating each other?" I almost struck my head about a tree. Brad almost doused the baguette he ate. Rob had to hit him on his back to get him through.
"NO!" We say at once. We looked at each other.
"When we were practicing , we saw how you look at each other." Rob confirms Mike's theory. Mike nods. There is silence for a while.
"So what are you going to do today?" I change the subject quickly.
''Nothing interesting. Just praktice.''
"And that's not interesting? You play great!'' I say louder that I wanted. A couple of heads are turning in our direction. I look embarrassed to the ground.
"Do you like our music?"
"Yes." I'll say something more quiet.
''Thank you so much."says Mike enthusiastically. They look at Brad, who's just sitting quiet here.
"We go away for a while." Rob stands up and take Mike away. I'll get closer to Brad.
"What's going on Brad?" I put a hand on his shoulder.
''Nothing. I'm just in a bad mood." I come closer to him. I put his head on my chest and huged him.
I smoothen him back. He gets closer. He sit up and hug me too.
"Thank you, Grace. You can make mood with a single hug.'' I just smiled.
After a few minutes, we pull off.
"Yeah?" I'll lift my head and look at him.
"I was wondered, if we went to the beach and made a picnic?" "I see little flame of hope in his eyes.
"That's a great idea." I smile and hug him.
"This evening, at six o'clock. I will wait for you at the place where we met for the first time." he says and stand up.
"Agreed." I'll say and smile. He go away to his friends. He whispered something to them. They begin to smile and bumble Brad for his back. All smiling faces leave to school buildings. I'm so happy.

Author Note:

I'm here with new part:) Hope ya enjoyed ❤

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