Mahiru X reader lemon

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Mahiru X reader

I smiled as I walked down the street holding bags filled with groceries for my home as I craved the sweet taste of vanila ice cream I noticed that it had started to get dark and that there wasn't many people out on the streets anymore as I walked to the stairs of my aparment building walking up hearing people arguing " I don't care if your hungry or not that was mine Kuro " a male voice yelled as I sweat dropped " your so mean to me ~ " another voice whined as I smiled before opening my door and taking off my shoes I had just moved in here about a few days ago and was curntly in packing as I walked around my new home seeing that a note was on my counter "hey I wanted you to know that all your worthless stuff is outside the house and you need to come get it or we're going to sell it mom " the note ended as I sighted I needed help to get everything here and I couldn't ask my family to help i'm done with them I thought for a minute as a knock came to my door I opened it seeing a brown haired boy smiling at me with a cat on his shoulder " hi you must be our new neighbore i'm mihiru I live next store " he said as I nodded " oh it's nice to meet you i'm y/n " I said as I remembered that I needed to go and get the important stuff "i'm sorry I need to go I have to get the rest of my stuff here " I said putting on my shoes as he nodded " if you want i'll help you " he said as I smiled " that would be great thank you " I said as I grabbed a couple boxes before he held up his hand " hold on I can get a ride " he said as he pulled out his phone calling someone " hey I have a favor you know you owe me for that food the other night – yeah I need to borrow your driver and car i'm helping a friend move in " he said as the voice got quiet " thanks misono i'll make sure that everything is fine after words " he said as he hung up " I have a friend on the way that will help us get all your stuff in the car let me go grab my other friend he'll help to " he said as he left for a minute coming back with a taller male with blue and black hair that seemed tired " i'll help but you owe me ramen Mahiru " he said making me laughs as I spotted a limo pull up a man got out and waved as Mahiru grabbed the boxes and ran down stairs as other followed holding a box as I took the last on seeing them putting them in the car he smiled " is this the friend your helping move " the guy said as he poked Mahiru 's arm as he blushed slightly " come on y/n lets go get your stuff " he said pulling me into the car as the guy somehow got food " Kuro don't eat in here I'll have to clean the car now" Mahiru yelled as Kuro just shrugged countining to eat " so where are we going " the driver asked as I moved up handing him a paper with the adress on it " ah i've been there before not a very nice place are you a friend of the family " he asked as I frowned " no i'm y/n there daughter I moved out for a reason and their not very happy about it so all my stuff has been dumped in the front yard for me to come get or their going to sell it " I said as he frowned " sounds like the family for sure but you don't look like them they all have platinum hair" he said as I looked at me h/c hair " yeah i'm not their child i'm just someone they took in for extra money " I said as I saw the house come into view a woman standing on the lawn as we pulled up she smirked when the door opened I sank back as Mahiru got out along with Kuro " looks like my worthless daughter found a use for her self so how much are yu going for y/n " she laughed as my step sisters came out as well and started to flirt with Kuro and Mahiru as they started to pack my stuff up " what do you think your doing that's my things " one said as the others agreed as I walked up to them " no it's not it's mine and you know it " I snapped as I started to pack up my clothes putting them in a box as the driver helped us get the boxes to the car as I noticed a figure on the pourch "grandmother " I whispered as they seemed to notice as she mtionted me over as I went to turn Mahiru placed a hand on my shoulder " go ahead theres not much left " he said as I walked up th path " no your not apart of this family you need to leave now " my mother yelled as I ran to the pourch seeing my grandmother smile at me " my y/n my sweet grandaughter " she called pulling me into a hug " take this and hide it " she said handing me a paper that I shoved in my pocket " and this " she said handing me a necklaces that had the family mark on it as I nodded taking it " go now before they try to take it " she said Mahiru put the last box in the car " why are you even helping her " one asked as the others nodded " yeah she's weird and has no family " the mother said a smirk on her face " yeah well I don' t have anyone but my uncle so get over it " he said glaring at my mother as I got into the car smiling at them " you've screwed your self over you know that mother " I said as I felt I needed to go out with a bang " what do you mean you haenothing without us no money no friends no family and no home " she snarled as the girls glared my grandmother laughed as I showed them the paper " actuly the last one belongs to me along with everything else thats in the house so ha " I said rolling the window up as I felt tears come to my eyes as her words started to sink in when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look up as the car started to move as Mahiru smiled at me " thank you for everything you should come over for dinner tonight " I said as Kuro looked up and smiled " yes " he said then went back to sleep across the seat as I giggled " that sounds great i'll help you unpack to while i'm there " Mahiru said as I felt him put an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer " ma-Mahiru what are you doing " I said shyly feeling a dark blush come to my face " is it bad that I think your cute " he asked placing his head on my shoulder "no -i – I think that your cute to " I said turning away from him as he chuckled slightly in my ear " don't mean to interupt but don't start anything in the car that you can't finish " a voice said as I scooted away from Mahiru as he blushed " shut up we weren't doing anything bad " he said as I blushed darker looking out the window as I was pulled back by my waist as I sighed giving up while the car came to a stop as I got out Mahiru not far behind me " Kuro come on we're home " he said as the male slowly got out of the car holding a box as I grabbed a box carrying it up the stairs as Mahiru carried two as I opened my door after struggling to get the key in the lock I placed the box on the floor next to the couch and took the boxes from Mahiru and set them down to " come on " I said as I hand grabbed mine " no you should start unpacking me and Kuro can get your stuff up here " he said a sweet smile on his face as I gave in " fine but you can't help with dinner at all your doing to much for me already " I said as I opened a box seeing clothes as I started to fold them placing them into a dresser he walked out humming as I took the empty box and placed it in the corner before going to the other box seeing plates and cups as I sighted as I carried it into the kitchen placing the plates and other things in the sink turning on the hot water putting some soap in before starting to wash the dishes drying them and putting them away in the cupboards as I did this footsteps got my attention " ah you found your plates " a voice said as I turned seeing Mahiru carrying a labeled box ' kitchen ' written on the side in fancy writing " yeah I'm just finishing them up what are those " I asked as he looked at the box in his hand " I think there pots and pans " he said opening the box showing some pots " well i'll have to wash those to " I said putting them into the hot soapy water and started to wash them " here let me help " he said as I glaced at him as he grabbed a towel and started to dry the last of the plates before putting them away as I washed the pots placing them into the strainer as he dried them " why are you so helpful " I asked as he looked up " I don't know I guess I just wanted to help you " he said as I smiled and went to grab another box as he dried those putting them away as Kuro walked in with a box " last one " he said placing it on the floor as I opened it I quickaly grabbed it taking it to the back of the appartment putting it in my room " wait y/n what's wrong " Mahiru asked as I blushed closeing my bedroom door " please tell me that the box was already packed " I said as Mahiru looked confused walking around me opening my door looking into the box " no don't thats private " I said wrapping my hands around his waist trying to pull him away from the box " oh so that's what your trying to hide it's not like I didn't see them already I did pack this box y/n chan ~ " he said as he pulled me closer to him " I um don't – I can unpack these by myself " I said as I wiggled out of his grip " but thats not fun y/n " he whined pulling out a pair of f/c laced underwear out of the box as my blush darkened " plus I think your reaction it cute " he said before placing them into a drawer as I started to studder incoharent thinks as he neatly folded and put away my underwear and bra's " why don't you get started on dinner y/n while I finish up here " he said a smirk on his face I could tell that my face was on fire as I nodded "o-ok m-ah-Mahiru " I studdered as I walked out of the room and into the kichen as Kuro sat on the couch and watched TV " dame kids and their hormones " he grumbled as I blushed darker starting dinner as I decided to make home made ramen I got out some noodles and a pot placing some water in the pot and turning the stove on as I let the water boil I broke the noodles into shorter pieces and put them on a plate before grabbing some vegetables out of the fridge and cutting them up until I felt arms go around my waist as I jumped cutting my finger as I hissed in pain before turning to see Mahiru a worried look on his face " y/n-chan are you alright i'm so sorry " he said taking my hand in his hand before kissing the cut before I noticed how much I was bleeding " Mahiru I need to clean this up " I said as he shook his head before pulling me out the door " Kuro watch the food " he called as he pulled me into his appartment making me sit on the couch his apartment was a little bigger than mine as I looked around simple not to much decoation and cozy " here let me have your hand y/n-chan I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cut you " he said taking my hand gently pouring some achol on the wound as I hissed before he blew on it gently " shh it's okay " he cooed as I nodded as I felt him place a hand on my head playing with my hair slighty as he kissed my now bandged hand while I leaned into his touch " your so cute y/n-chan i'm sorry let me help with dinner since I can't trust you with knifes now " he said as I nodded as he pulled me up as we walked back into my apertment seeing Kuro standing over the food " ramen " he sighted happily as I giggled before patting his head before I notice something when he yawned fangs " Mahiru can I talk to you for a mintute " I said as he looked up " yeah sure y/n " he said as I got close to him placing my head on his shoulder " why does Kuro have fangs " I whisper in his ear as he tensed before pulling me close to him dropping the knife he was holding " y/n I h-he's a vampire " he said as I blushed from the closeness " wh-how " I asked as Kuro tapped my shoulder " so he told you nice " he said as I looked at him closer seeing a pair of lazy eyes like the cat Mahiru had when I meet him " are you that cat from earlier " I asked as nodded before turning into the cute cat " i'm also mahiru's wingman " he said as he rolled around on the floor as I awed and looked at Mahiru " your not going to be able to keep me away for long look at how cute he is " I said as I picked him up rubbing my cheek against his " y/n spend time with me " he whined as he pulled Kuro out of my hands setting him on the counter pulling me closer to him as I leaned back into him " fine i'll ignore the cute kitty for you " I said as I pushed him away as I started to cook the vegetables before checking the noodles as he watched me from behind while he got out three bowls and some silverware placing them on the table in the dinning room as I opened the cubort seeing the ramen seasoning on the top shelf as I sighted since I can't reach it as I grabbed a chair I placed a foot on it before standing up still not enough to reach it I leaned forward on my tip toes reaching for the small bottle of power as I heard a chuckle behind me " your luck kuro's asleep on the couch and can't see in here " he said as I turned my head to look at him " what do you mean " I asked confused as his eyes trialled up my legs " well hate to ruin the great view I got but when your standing like that I can see strait up you skirt " he said a smile on his face as I blushed as I grabbed my skirt pulling it down more " that's not helping but I do like the underwear you have on their cute just like you " he said as he jumped on the chair our bodies pressing together our faces closer as he reached up and grabbing the ramen powder handing it to me before getting off the chair I stood there blushing as he sent me a wink before going back into the dining room as I got down and took the noodles of the stove and mixing in the ramen powder and pouring in the vegetables as I carried the pot into the dinning room I saw Mahiru walk to me taking the pot as I started to protest until something else caught my attention " breaking new please stay in you homes and do not go outside I repeat do not go out side a powerful thunderstorm has knocked down power lines and is getting closer please do not go outside unless it is extremely necessary " a weather station said as I nodded as Mahiru looked at me " do you have storm supplies " he asked as I shook my head no " I didn't get a chance to by them " I said as I looked out my window seeing the trees starting to bend with the wind " i'll go get ours I have a bag made in my room " he said as he opened the door I felt my heart stop " wait where are you going you should stay inside " I called as he turned " i'll be careful I promise " he said closing the door as I looked out the window watcing for him as I saw him come back he was drenched his clothes damp " what the hell I told you to stay here " I said as I flicked his forehead " I know but you needed this " he said showing the preade storm kit as I took it from him placing it on the inn table as he started to shiver as I sighed walking closer to him "y/n what are you" I cut him off by unbuttoning his shirt taking it from him placing it on the radiator in the corner of the room along with his jacket as he blushed while I walked to him with a towel " are you going to take your pants off or should I " I smirked as I gave him pay back for all the times he flirted today his blush darkened as he nodded taking the towel from me and walking down the hall to the bathroom as I heard the door close I took a deep breath a dark blush coming to my face as I though about what I did " didn't think you had it in you good job " a voice said as kuro looked at me then back at the TV as I whined and went into the dinning room putting some ramen into a bowl before taking it into the front room placing it on the small coffee table as he spotted the food he changed back to his human form and started to eat as I laughed as I walked down the hall as knocked on the bathroom door hearing nothing I opened it seeing Mahiru blushing with a towel wrapped around his waist " here " he said tossing me his pants " boxers to I know they got wet " I said as he blushed harder as he shoved them into my hand as I smiled before leaving as I placed them on the radiator and made my way back down the hall to the closet taking out a couple towels and closing the door as I walked back to the bathroom as I looked to see him sitting in the floor against the wall as his hair dripped slightly " you can take a shower it you want " I said as he looked up shaking his head " I think I had enough water on me today " he said as he laughed making me laugh as well while I crouched next to him taking a towel placing it on his head while I scrubbed it thought his hair " then let me dry your hair " I said as he blushed again as I got closer to him as he sat up strait making it hard to reach again " really come back here " I said as I sat on my knees as he pulled by my waist onto his lap bowing his head slighly so that I could reach eaisly " you lucky I think you cute " I said as I moved the towel around as I put his head on my shoulder as his hair was dried I found myself running my hand through his hair as the room was quite the only sound was us breathing silently embracing each other until he broke the slience " I don't know why but I feel like i've known you for years i'm so comfortable with you I don't know if you feel the same I know I sound stupid " he said as I shook my head " you don't sound stupid I feel the same way like I can trust you with anything " I said as he looked up our faces so close together that our noses were touching as I felt his breath on my face I felt dizzy as I leaned in slowly as he did to our lips conneting in a passionate kiss full of love and lust for one another as he pulled me closer our chests touching my arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around my waist as I ran my finger though his hair he rubbed different shapes on my lower back as I pushed myself closer to him as he pulled up his knees keeping me there as his hands ran up and down my sides as I moaned into the kiss while he moved away leaving me panting and I leaned in capturing him again as he kissed back lust taking us both as he ran his tongue over my bottom lips as I opened my mouth as he pushed his wet musel into my mouth pushing against mine as moved my hands down to his bare chest feeling the hotness of his skin against mine as he groaned in response we pulled away again as he stared up at me " y/n I want you " he whispered pulling me close as I nodded " I want you to please Mahiru " I begged as his ran up under my shirt as he smirked earning a glare from me (lemon start lemon warning you have been warned ) " your such a tease " I said as I went to move away as he grabbed me " your not getting away that easily y/n-chan " he said huskaly as I shivered at the tone he used as as his hands rested on my waist as I looked into his eyes " ma-mahiru " I studdered as he smiled before pulling my shirt over my head showing my orange laced bra " how did you know that was my favorite color " he said as I blushed shaking my head " I didn't know I ah~" he cut me off by latching his lips onto my neck his upper body covering mine as I moaned out loud then cover my mouth " did that feel good y/n-chan it sure sounded like it " he said as I gripped onto him trying to hold in my moans as he kissed up my neck "y/n-chan I can't wait to strip you like you did me " he said as I gasped as I felt his hands grip the waist of my skirt pulling it down slighly showing the top of my underwear as he pushed me up " help me out here y/n-chan you won't regret it "he said as he tugged at my skirt as I pulled them down as he held me up as I got them down to my knees he dropped me back onto his lap pulling them off the rest of the way himself " orange really is your color y/n to bad i'll have to take it off " he said as I felt a hand go to the back of my bra and play with the clasp as he tried to undo it as he looked up at me before he undid it it falling off my shoulders and onto the floor as I quickaly covered my breasts " don't hide from me y/n " he said as he moved my hands and took in my figure " your so beautiful y/n " he said as he left butterfly kisses down my neck to my breast keeping eye contact the whole time as he took my nipple into his mouth as I moaned out from the feeling of his warm tongue licking and sucking around my breast as his hand rubbed and groped the other his other hand holding me up as I moan while it rubbed my sides "ah Mahiru mm~" I moaned out his name as he switched sides giving my other breast the same treatment as he released my nipple he let his tongue run across them again before pecking my lips as I blushed " what do you want me to do to you y/n " he asked as he pulled me into his chest as I blushed harder " please ma-mahiru take me " I said as he leaned down " what was that " he asked as he let hand run down my stomach and across the top of my underwear as I blushed darker " please fuck me Mahiru " I said as I gripped onto him making him smirk " oh is that what you want " he asked as his hand moved past my underwear and touched my entrance as I arched my back at the feeling a moan escaping my lips leaning my head back at the new feeling " your so sexy y/n moan for me " he said as he rubbed my clit in a fast circle as the grip I had on his shoulders got tighter as I moan louder as he smirked as he felt me rock my hips against his hand " naughty naughty y/n ~ " he said taking his fingers away as he kissed me again as I kissed back tugging his hair slightly as he groaned as he pushed me over as my back hit the carpeted floor I was happy that I had carpet instead of wood as he leaned over me as his towel moved slightly with him " i'm going to have to punish you aren't I " he said as he leaned down before looking at the damp spot on my underwear " do-don't " I said as I closed my legs embaressed as he looked at me " what did I say about hiding your self i'm going to claim every bit of you as mine " he said a I blushed at his words feeling myself get wetter " did that turn you on y/n your panties got so wet when I said that to you ~ " he said the smirk getting wider on his face as he took off my underwear throwing them somewhere else in the room as I blushed turning away from his gaze as it felt something touch my entrace making me gasp as I saw that it was a finger " don't worry I won't hurt you " he said as I nodded as he pushed it inside me as I moaned out as he pushed it in futher and pulled it back out as he added another finger I started to feel a little pain but it quicklay faded as he made a scissior mostion with his fingers as I moaned out feeling a knot form in my stomach " m-mahiru my stomach feels tight " I cried as he nodded removing his fingers making me whine but gasp as something else entered me I moaned out loud as he pressed his tongue against my entrance and then my clit as he shoved it in and out making me tangle my hands in his hair as he gabbed my hips pulling me closer as I felt the knot become tight as it finaly snapped as I moaned pulling his hair as my juices flowed into his mouth I felt him lick me cleaning me off as I blushed " you taste sweet y/n-chan " he said as he let his towel drop to the floor as I stared at his big member blushing as he moved over me as I leaned up surprising him as I pumped his member softly as he groaned leaning his head back as he tangled his hand in my hair as I felt nervousness wash over me as I leaned down licking the tip as he groaned again pushing my head down and shoving his hard member into my mouth as I gagged slightly as he moaned out as I began to bob my head up and down sucking softly on him as he pushed me down futher as I felt him hit the back of my throat a couple of times as I felt him twitch " y/n stop I-im gonna cum" he said as I sucked on his tip as he twitched again he pushed me down fully as he came the salty thick fluid filling my mouth as he pulled out of my mouth as he looked down at me while he pulled down my chine looking at his handy work as a smirk came to his face when a little bit leaked out of my mouth running down my neck and chest as he wiped some off my lips " you look amazing covered in my cum y/n " he whispered in my ear as he pushed me down gently as he covered my body with his while his tip rubbed against my entrance slightly as he started to kiss down my neck and then my cheek before pressing his lips firmly against mine in a sweet kiss as he pushed inside me causing me to gasp in pain as I felt his tip push against my folds slowly trying not to cause me pain as I gripped onto his figure when his hips connected with mine pain flooded my senses causing me to claw at his back while crying slightly he pulled away from the kiss seeing my tear stained face as I closed my eyes trying to fight the pain " shh it's going to be okay y/n-chan I promise that soon all you'll feel is pleasure " he cooed as he started to leave small kisses on my neck and lips trying to distract me from the pain as I nodded as I let my hands tangle in his hair while he moved slightly as I began to moan feeling the pain turning to pleasure as he picked up speed causing me to moan louder pulling the boy into a kiss as he kissed back keeping a steady pace as he shoved his tongue in my mouth as I fought back causing his the groan breaking the kiss as he shoved himself deeper inside me as I screamed slighly as he hit a certain spot " umm~ y/n-chan your so hot and wet inside , oh god your so tight " he moaned out as I just moaned in response as I felt the same sensation again form in my stomach as I came again moaning out as he kissed my neck his member twitching slightly from the feeling of me cumming as he smirked on my skin as he pulled out flipping me over so I was on my stomach before pulling my hips into the air " you came already y/n we're not even half way done " he said as he slambed back into me the new position causing him to hit my sweet spot with each thrust making me see stars as I moaned his name my mind growing blank as I gripped the carpet tightly his name and moans the only things I knew "ah~ Mahiru Mahiru ahhhh~" I yelled as I pressed his chest to my back getting deeper into me as he peppered my back and neck with kisses as I felt his trusts get sloppy " Mahiru Mahiru " I moaned as I felt him suck on my neck leaving love bites on my shoulder and neck " y/n i'm gonna cum ah~" he moaned as he went faster as I moaned again as the knot reformed in my stomach " cum in me please oh god " I cried as I felt him twitch "ah y/n ~ " he moaned as he came filling me completely as the feeling of him cumming made me come as he thrust a couple more times making sure he got every last bit of his thick warm cum inside me " Mahiru I love you " I said as I blushed while be pulled out making me blush more as I felt some of his cum drip out of me running down my leg " I love you to y/n " he said as he rubbed my hips affectionately as I panted feeling slightly empty as he helped me up as my legs didn't want to work they were sore and so was another part but it was worth it " let's get you to bed " he said as I nodded trying my best to walk with him as he opened the door helping me down the hall to my room as he helped me into bed he smiled " i'll be back in a minute i'm gonna check on kuro " he said as he kissed my forehead while I snuggled into my bedsheets as he walked out I called " might want to put that towel back on thought " I said as he blushed before picking the towel up off the bathroom floor wrapping it around his waist before walking out seeing kuro eating some more ramen kuro seemed to not notice him but as he turned around to head back kuro let out a deep laugh " nice one Mahiru but never again when I'm here " he said making Mahiru blush as he walked faster down the hall to the bedroom looking at my sleeping figure as he laid down pulling you into his chest throwing the towel on the floor before falling into a deep sleep along with me

extended ending

" goddam kids and their hormones always fucking here and there without a care in the world humans are such horny creatures, " Kuro said as he finally was able to get some sleep without hearing the readers moans in the background

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