2. Rochelle

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Rochelle dropped her purse and swimming bag at the door. Some of her students had asked for extra lessons after the class ended so she was arriving home a little late. Letting out a sigh of relief as she slipped off her shoes. She sniffed, noticing the smell of chocolate in the air. "Ebony?" She called out. "In here!" 

Rochelle followed the voice, seeing her niece's large puff. "What have I said about baking when I'm not home?" Rochelle asked her niece, walking into the warm kitchen. Ebony popped her head up from the oven. "Oh please I'm 17, I'm pretty sure I can manage to make cookies by myself," Ebony told her, pulling out a tray of cookies and placing them on the cooling rack on top of the kitchen island. "I knew you would be hungry when you got home so I wanted to surprise you." 

Rochelle smirked and grabbed a warm cookie off of the baking sheet. She could tell Ebony made them from scratch as all the flavors of the fresh ingredients exploded in her mouth. "How are they?" Ebony asked seriously. 

Ebony was fully aware of the fact she was an amazing cook and baker. But she valued her aunt's opinion more than anything. "You know they're amazing." Rochelle playfully tapped her nose. Ebony pouted, giving her mom a slight push. She grabbed a cookie herself and began eating. Rochelle took the time to examine her niece. Dressed comfortably in a not-too-tight sweater and pajama pants and her large half-bleached afro puff combed out, Ebony seemed comfortable in her own body. 

Rochelle made sure to always let her niece know how beautiful she was. She was afraid Ebony would eventually develop the same bulimic and anorexic habits that Rochelle had at her age and wanted to nip it in the bud before it could even start.

After a few moments of silence, Ebony cleared her throat. "Have you, um, heard anything from the lawyer?" Ebony asked already knowing the answer. Rochelle felt the air get immediately tense. "No, I haven't, sweetie."

The hope on Ebony's face disappeared. "Oh." She said turning back towards the oven and started wiping down some flour remains. "I'm gonna head upstairs early tonight. Night Auntie Ro." She gave her a kiss on the cheek and quickly rushed up the staircase. Ebony didn't want to break down in front of Rochelle, she'd rather do it in the comfort of her own bedroom. 

As she watched Ebony retreat up the stairs, Rochelle mentally cursed herself. She didn't blame her for being upset. Ebony's father (and Rochelle's brother), Devon, was currently incarcerated.

He had been accused of mugging a man and murdering him in cold blood. The only reason he was pinpointed as a suspect was that he was in the surrounding area and fit the witness description: a tall dark-skinned man wearing a hooded jacket and blue jeans. 

The police that arrested Devon had found him walking home from his job and nearly sent him into the hospital when he resisted arrest. Rochelle shook her head as she remembered how he looked when she and Ebony had arrived in the hospital room. His lip had been busted, both of his eyes were swollen shut, and he had a concussion from beatings. Ebony broke down in tears at the sight of her father and was inconsolable. Rochelle left the hospital and raised total hell at the police station. The officers that assaulted Devon only received paid suspension as punishment. 

They never found the real killer and just because he was the only person of color at the scene he was booked with the crime. It made Rochelle sick to her stomach.

She tried her hardest to make Ebony as happy and comfortable as possible but there were those times when she could see the strain that her father's situation was putting on her. Before Rochelle could go up the stairs to check on her, her phone began ringing from the inside of her swimming bag beside the door. She unzipped the bag and answered it. "Hel-"

"Rochelle?! I need you here now please!" Bonnie Harper's voice cut her off. Rochelle was immediately on alert. "Bonnie? What's wrong what's happening?" "Give me that phone!" Rochelle flinched when she heard Bonnie's husband yelling at her. "Rochelle hur-" There was a loud crash and the line went dead. "Bonnie? Bonnie?!" Rochelle frantically grabbed her keys and called for Ebony to come downstairs. Moments later, the both of them were in the car on their way to Bonnie.


Hey everyone! Told you I'd be doing rewrites of the first three chapters. I made a couple of changes such as taking out Sarah's magical outburst at the swimming pool (because it was kinda stupid when I reread it) and Sarah and Rochelle's first interaction with one another. I also grappled with the decision of either making Ebony Rochelle's daughter or niece. In the end, I decided to keep it the same with her being Rochelle's niece. Let me know what you guys think!

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