Chapter 51

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He pulled me closer to him and grabbed my shoulders hardly
When I moved his grip got tighter
Me: ah!
I hit his dick with my legs and I ran
I knew he wouldn't help me without any meaning
I ran to the road
There was no car
I saw someone coming with a black jacket
I stepped backwards
While he came faster so I ran
???: Y/N stop!
I didn't stop
???: Y/N it's me jimin!
He screamed loudly
I looked back and his hoodie was not on him
His hair was blonde
Me: jimin?
I ran to him
But he screamed
Jim: Y/N!!!
I heard a sound I never heard before and I felt my bones broke and fell on the ground I couldn't feel anything just see jimin
I closed my eyes
I opened my eyes and white curtains above me
White sheets, white blanket on me
It was morning the sun was bright
I sighed
Someone entered the door
It was jimin
His hair was pink again
Jim: Y/N! Omg Y/N ur awake
Me: yes what happened that I'm here
Jim: a car hit u
Me: when? Yesterday
Jim: it was before 2 years
Jim: I'm glad ur awake
He messed my hair
Me: uh jimin?
Jim: yes?
Me: it's been 5 years? I guess
"It's been 5 years I love him"
Jim: yes it's been 5 years
Me: so jimin r u still single?
Jim: nah I'm married
Me: what... Really... Oh I mean.. I'm happy for u...
Jim: my wife is waiting for me
Me: and ur kids?
Jim: we don't have any kids
Me: mhmm
Jim: I hope she agrees
Me: agrees for what?
Jim: I didn't propose her yet
Me: oh then good luck with that
Jim: oh thanks
Me: so where is jungkook
Jim: he is waiting outside
Me: can u call him?
Jim: ok

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