Fated meeting chapter 8

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After the parents were talking together Kuroko came out of the play room with children following behind him in a straight line.

"Thank you everyone for coming to this party. Today we will perform a song to you parents to appreciate you all for coming here." Kuroko smiled.

Midorima and the parents watch as Kuroko walked to a furniture cover with a blanket. Kuroko pulled it off revealing a small piano.

Kuroko put a hand on one of the key and press on it making a beautiful sound. Kuroko smile.

"Then, are you all ready." Kuroko looked at the children.

"Yes!" They all Said.

Kuroko smiled and sat down on the chair. Kuroko closed his eyes and raised his arms. Then he began to play.

Song: Furusato
Japanese nursery song

I chased rabbits in those mountains
I fished for small fish in that river
Those dreams still return to me
My unforgettable hometown

I wonder how my mother and father are?
How are my friends getting along?
When rain falls, when wind blows
My hometown comes to mind

When I've accomplished my motives
I'll return home someday
My hometown where the mountains are blue
My hometown where the water is pristine

I chased rabbits in those mountains
I fished for small fish in that river
Those dreams still return to me
My unforgettable hometown

(Akane: Tanaka is so funny lol.)

When the children finish singing all the parents clapped their hands amazed.

"Wow!" The mother's Said.

Kuroko stood up and stood next to the children. They all bowed their head.

"Thank you for coming!" They all Said.

Everyone clapped at the performance.


Once everyone settle everyone started to go home. After Kuroko checked to make sure everyone left Kuroko locked the school.

Midorima, Takao, and Kuroko walked together home.

"Today was fun! I had fun today!" Takao eyes sparkle.

"I see. That's good." Midorima smiled. He ruffle Takao hair.

"Yeah! Also thank you Kuroko-sensei! I'm glad you told papa to come." Takao smiled to Kuroko.

"I didn't really do anything. But your welcome." Kuroko smiled.

"Yosh! Today I want hamburger steak!" Takao Said.

"W-what! I thought today was red bean soup!" Midorima Said.

"No, today hamburger steak, red bean soup is gross." Takao pouted.

"You little-." Midorima playful Said.

"Pfha" Kuroko laugh out loud.

They both turned to him surprised. Kuroko was laughing at them. Midorima felt his heart stop his face was a bit red.

"You two are really similar like father and son." Kuroko wiped his tears.

"Kuroko-Sensei! We're having hamburger steak first right? Not that yucky soup right?" Takao made puppy eyes.

Midorima gasp. Red bean soup is not yucky! Midorima thought.

"How about we all have that tonight. Hamburger steak and red bean soup good right?" Kuroko Said.

Takao smiled brightly and nodded his head. He skip happily skipping past Midorima.

Kuroko walked up to Midorima and smile watching as Takao happily skip.

"Thank you Kuroko." Midorima Said.

Kuroko turned to him and shook his head.

"I didn't really do anything. I'm sure it's hard taking care of your son by yourself." Kuroko Said.

Midorima was about to answer But was interrupted.

"Papa! Sensei hurry up!" Takao shouted.

They both turned to him. Kuroko was about to follow but Midorima grabbed his arm.

Akashi words repeats in his head.

"You should just asked him out. I'm sure he'll say yes. Beside Kuroko need someone to heal his broken heart." Akashi smiled.

"Midorima?" Kuroko looked at him.

Midorima hesitate his face a bit red.

"K-Kuroko are you free this Saturday?" Midorima voice studded.

Kuroko looked at Midorima Who was acting strange.

"Yes, I am." Kuroko Said.

"T-then w-would you like to have dinner with me this S-Saturday..." Midorima Finally Said.

Just as Kuroko was about to answer Takao came barging into them.

"Papa! Sensei I'm hungry! Let's hurry up and go home!" Takao drag Kuroko away from Midorima.

"Eh But-" Kuroko was dragged away.

Midorima tried to say something but Kuroko was dragged away.

Midorima watch as Kuroko was dragged away. He sigh but then he noticed Kuroko turned to him.

Kuroko smiled and mouth something to him. Midorima read what he said.

"I'll..be ...gladly to..go with you..." Midorima read.

Midorima felt something inside of him burst into happiness. Midorima raises a fist in the air smiling with a glint in his eyes.

Little did he know a women and A boy walked past him looking at him with disgust.

"Something wrong with that man Mother." The boy said

"Don't look at him." She dragged him away.

" She dragged him away

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