Love is just a word..........

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Sorry this part might be a little short....

Roc pov:

*Knock knock*


*Knock knock*

Roc:ugh im sleeping *turns over*

*Knock knock*

Roc:*gets up and runs to the door*who tf...*opens door*Y/n

Y/n:im sorry did I wake you

Roc:its ok what's going on*grabs Jacob*

Y/n:I found out Prince was cheating

when I looked at her I could tell she has been crying

Y/n:I didnt know where else to go...gco..

Roc:its ok you can sleep in my room with the twins I'll sleep on the couch

Y/n:are you sure I .....gco..

Roc:yes go

Y/n:thank you

*They walk upstairs in his room*

Y/n: do you have anything I could sleep in

Roc:um yea *hands her a big T-shirt*here


Roc:ill be downstairs if you need anything


Roc:*walks downstairs*well it looks like its just you and me tonight couch *lays down*

Y/n pov:

Y/n:*looking up at the ceiling*

ive been through alot with prince but I never thought this would happen....AGAIN....he's the love of my life and I do want to work things out but im just tired of being the one always getting hurt in our relationship I just don't know if I can take getting hurt anymore. ...

Y/n:*gets up and walks downstairs in the kitchen gets a glass of water*

???:are you ok

Y/n:*jumps causing the glass to drop*you scared me

Roc:im sorry

Y/n:*starts picking up the glass*

Roc:here let me help you*starts helping*

Y/n:*gets cut by a big piece of glass*shit *stands up*

Roc: *grabs her hand turn on the sink putting her hand under it* you ok

Y/n:yea I've felt worst

Roc:what do you mean

Y/n:nothing *looks down*

Roc:*looks at her*You can tell me

Y/n:really its nothing

Roc:*notices her arms with the scars touches them but doesnt say anything but just looks her in her eyes*

Y/n:*looks at him*

Roc:*leans in*

Y/n:*leans in*

Roc:*kisses her*

Y/n:*kisses back*

Roc:*picks her up sitting her on the counter kissing her neck lifting her shirt up*

*one of the babys starts crying*

Y/n:*hops down starts walking upstairs but stops*thank you *runs upstairs*

I cant believe I just did that

Prince pov:

Im always fucking up

Prince:*sitting on the bed holding the ring looking at it*


Prince:*looks at his phone*ugh*answers*hello

???:hey baby

Prince:im not your baby star

Star:who pissed in your cereal this morning

Prince:nobody can you just call me back later

Star:is it your hoe ass wife

Prince:watch your mouth!!!

Star:why are are you sticking up for her just the other day you said you didn't love her anymore and you wanted to be with me

A/n:pause.....he must want to get knocked tf out oww let me calm

Prince:star ill talk to you later*hangs up*

yes I told star that but I wasn't thinking at the time I love Y/n I only messed with star because of the stuff we were going through and I needed to feel wanted star made me feel that way but now I see I fucked up what is that thing old people say oh yea you dont see what you have until its gone well thats how I feel now

Y/n pov:

I cant believe I did that last night but it kinda felt right...what am I saying two wrongs dont make a right

Roc:*walks in*hey


Roc:look what happened last night....gco..

Y/n:no its ok you didn't do anything wrong

Roc:ok...well are you going home or do you want me to take you to get your clothes

Y/n:clothes if thats ok with you

Roc:yea I just need to take a shower and we can go


Roc:you says thanks to much I will do anything for you *grabs his clothes walking into the bathroom*

You better not blush you better not blush ehhh

*Y/n & Princes house*


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