Mohannad Barakat GMC Owns & Runs Several Enterprises & Firms

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Mohannad Barakat GMC is a doctor by profession, and has specialty in Orthopedics & Trauma, in addition to having a lot of experience and knowledge in ENT, Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery and Emergency Medicine. He works with dedication to achieve desired objectives. He has great leadership and managerial skills that he owns and runs several enterprises and firms to include legal companies, delivery companies and administrative companies. The companies have multiple branches all across the globe and are involved in medical and legal scenarios - they are well staffed and maintained with emphasis on quality, trust, ethics and responsibility. Dr. Mohannad Barakat has been efficiently managing these firms and all their branches. He has taken care of staffing needs very carefully so that he can maintain quality, standards and ethics in work procedures.


Mohannad Barakat GMC is a lifelong entrepreneur and is often consulted by other professionals for his pertinent advice. He works with full dedication to satisfying the needs of all his clients. He has excellent team management skills and encourages his team members towards achievements of common goals. He is an optimistic person and always inspires others to perform at the best of their abilities. His presence creates positive vibes in any work environment. He commits himself towards protecting clients' assets in the best manner.

Mohannad Barakat GMC has been involved in working for major oil companies, which include BP (British Petroleum) and TOTAL. He  had to perform the roles of a Project Manager, i.e. agreeing on project objectives and meeting them and ensuring that quality standards are met. He received many awards in the areas of product management and strategic planning. Mohannad Barakat  GMChas worked as a Sales Director at Trade Center from the period between 1997 and 1999. He has the ability to handle several kinds of tasks efficiently. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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