Broken by flames

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Taehyung screamed out in pain, though no one could hear him in this waste land. The crops had all been burned to the ground and the flowers in the garden he had once spent so much time on were all destroyed. Petals laid everywhere like some wild animal had gone on a rampage, trampling all the pretty colors underneath its feet.

"Keep quiet boy", his mother hissed while she pressed the burning hot iron against his shoulder.

'The mark', Taehyung thought in panic when he realized what she was trying to get rid of. He felt the bond within himself crumble and was sure Jungkook would feel the same, though they were 200 years apart.

"I can't believe you went off and got mated to some stupid alpha", she tutted, lifting the iron to inspect the burnt flesh, "His mark is a deep one".

"P-Please mother", he cried, struggling to get out of her grip but her nails only dug deeper into his flesh.

"I went through all of that shit to get you out of that world and what do I get in return? An ungrateful child who goes running back to that damned century, ready to get himself killed", she sighed, her once brown eyes glowing a soft red, "I should've never trusted you to be alone on the farm with all those time travelers around".

"I d-don't understand", Taehyung stuttered, his eyes widening when his mother picked the iron back out of the flames it was residing in. She made it ready to be put back on his skin while she pursed her lips thoughtfully.

"When you got born", she started, "And turned out to be an omega: I was scared. You were the last of your kind and since everyone wanted to get that breed back going, I feared they would just use you as some kind of experiment. So I hid you from the world".

The omega screamed in anguish when the hot iron was back again pressed against his already sensitive skin.

"Where else better than in another time line? I let some specialist make a special suit for you so you would survive the travel and brought you here. You would've lived an incredible unaware and innocent life. You wouldn't know about any other wolves or your true nature".

"M-My mate-"

"Yes that horrible alpha just had to be a time traveler and meet you along his way. He even got the courage to bring you back!", she yelled out, putting more pressure on the iron stick.

"I traveled back alone! That wasn't his fault!", Taehyung said through gritted teeth, "I went after him because I love him!"

With those last words, the iron fell on the ground and the omega soon followed. His alpha who lived 200 years later went out the same time the flames next to Taehyung's mother lit for the last time.

The woman looked at the burnt patch of skin on her son's shoulder and smiled.

"That filthy mark is finally gone".

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