1. Lost and Found

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"Yes Lily, I'll make sure to tell him for you." I say into the phone as I approach my car, "Okay, I'll see you later on," I pause and think "remember the cake. I mean it" I say before hanging up, i slipped my phone into my black lace purse.

I sigh, it was Josh's birthday tomorrow and it needed to be perfect. Josh was the first friend I made since I left the hunting life. He was one of the few friends who knew almost everything about me. Almost. No one knows about my old life and they never will. I left to get away from all the death, pain and loss that comes with the job. That's why I left and stayed off the hunter radar. Im sure they're looking for me, worried. They wouldn't listen to my reasoning so I didn't bother telling anyone I was leaving. For all they know I'm dead. Like the rest of my family.

I managed the impossible for a hunter; I have a normal life now. I have a job as a bartender at Rudy's, I changed my name. I even forced myself to change my hair colour and my entire music and clothing taste, just for extra precaution.

I open my car's door, sit down on the black leather seat and sat my bag down in the passenger's seat. I lean up against the steering wheel and grab the keys out of my back pocket, put the keys into the ignition and start my car. I listen to the the purr my black 1967 Dodge Mustang makes. I love it.  For so long this car has been my happy place. It kept me sane throughout the many years I had her.

My phone blaring Selena Gomez's "Wolves" makes me jump so high I hit my head off the roof of the car. I quickly grab my bag off the seat next to me and dig for my phone. Finally I find it and turn off my alarm. I glance at the time on the top of my phone screen.  Dammit, I need to get ready for work.

It's a good thing I brought my uniform and makeup with me, I think to myself before speeding off to Rudy's.

When I started my 7PM shift the place  was pretty empty and slow. That is until Lily and Josh came in.

"Hey Becca!" Lily shouted when she saw me refilling a man's wiskey. "Hi Lily, hi Josh."

"How's the shift going?" Josh asked

"It's pretty slow. Do you guys want a drink?" I asked looking at both Josh and Lily.

"Yeah, I'll have a Jack on ice"

"I'll have the same as him" Lily said.

"Sure. One sec" I turned and grabbed 2 whiskey glasses and filled them with ice then poured the Jack over the ice. I slid them their drinks when 2 guys came in.

One was tall as hell. He looked about 6'4 at least. He had hazel eyes and really nice brown hair that looks so  soft and shiny. The other was shorter but not by alot, he had short brown hair and pretty green eyes with a few days stubble on his chin. They gave off a dangerous energy that gave me goosebumps. The taller one went and sat down in a booth and the shorter one came to the bar and looked at me and raised his finger, to get my attention I'm guessing. I looked at Josh and Lily before going over to him. They both smile and Lily started pretending to fan herself and faint, I  roll my eyes and walk over to him.

"Hey what can I get you?" I ask. He's even better looking up close. His eyes are so green, its like looking at a forest of pine trees. I admire his style too. He's wearing worn out blue jeans, a black fitting shirt that hugs his chest in all the right places and a brown leather jacket that tops it off perfectly. There's a necklace too, I just can't make it out.

"Miss?" He looks at me with his brow up in confusion.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, what would you like?" I ask, I can feel myself blushing. I was too busy admiring him to pay attention to what he asked for.

He grins. "I'll have a whiskey and a beer"

"So," he said after drinking a swig of his whiskey "What's your name sweetcheeks?"

I furrow my brows at the nickname. "My name's Becca Connor. You?" He looked at me for a minute, looking at my face until he finally said "Agent Hicks" he says as he pulls out a badge. I freeze when I see the badge. I recognize the errors in the FBI badge. Hes a hunter. Well isn't this fantastic.

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