you can't tell malia

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"So what's the story with you and your pack? How did you meet?"he asked me as we sat on the hood of his car in the preserve looking out into the town 

"It's stupid really"I said blushing 

"I was in a car crash like 3 years ago when I moved here with my mom and Scott found me stiles was with him of course all of a sudden this smoke started covering my body"I explained looking at him

"You healed"he said I nodded 

"Yeah it took stiles an hour to calm me down I was freaking out so bad it's not even funny anymore"I said laughing lightly he laughs too

"You two seem close"he said I ate a pepperoni off the pizza

"We used to date"I said nodding

"You dated stiles?"he asked in disbelief

"Uh yeah why is that so hard to believe?"I asked him

"He's an hyperactive spaz and you're this awkward Greek goddess"he said I blushed 

"He is a sarcastic hyperactive spaz and I'm not a 'greek goddess' I'm me"I said I shook my head 

"He's my best friend"I said nodding I jumped down he follows suit

"We should get going before....."I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine his hands pulling me closer my hands rested on his arms as I kissed him back with little hesitance he pulls away slowly staring in my eyes

"I've been waiting to do that all day"he whispered but then I got a text from Scott  


Hurry to sinema and bring your gear

To: Phoenix

(Time skip)

Phoenix was no longer in control as she pushed Lucas away from Kira her eyes glowed a deep red Lucas charges and the fight begins he tosses her across the room her back hitting the wall her wings came out she flew to Lucas flipping over him holding his neck ready to snap it against her shoulder until she was being tackled to the ground by Liam Kira then lost control that Scott had to stop her but Phoenix wasn't done she knocked Liam off her him flying into Scott

"Phoenix!"Kira yelled making her snap out of it she looked around

"oh my god"she panicked before rushing off ignoring their calls she took flight she went to the only person she knew wouldn't judge her stiles she climbed in the window to see him holding his shoulder and looking at the board that read Donovan Dead he then erased the name and threw the eraser obviously upset she had never seen him so upset

"stiles"she called out quietly he whipped around facing her

"how long have you been there?"he asked she bit her lip

"long enough to know that Donovan is dead and something happened to your shoulder"she said he nodded

"did someone follow you?"he asked her checking out the window he was more agitated than usual

Phoenix pov

I grabbed his shaking hands on the window making him look at me as I closed the window

"you're scaring me stiles"i said pulling him towards the bed sitting down

"what happened out there?"I asked him he then tells me what happened it goes quiet for a moment

"Scott can't know you can't tell him about this"he said I furrowed my eyebrows

"you want me to lie? To scott? "I asked him

"I want you to trust me Phoenix we're not supposed to kill anyone"he said I jumped up

"it was self defense stiles it's not like you went looking for him and killed him"i said he stood up too

"but I wanted to I wanted him dead"he said I looked away from him

"stop"i said my eyes tearing up

"I wanted him gone"he continues walking closer suddenly I kissed him he kisses back his hands pulling me closer as mine gripped his shirt in my hands I slowly pulled away my eyes opening

"what was that for?"he asked quietly I blushed and shrugged

"you wouldn't stop talking I'm sorry"i said he shakes his head

"don't be it....."I cut him off knowing what he was saying

"really?"I asked him smiling he chuckles

"yeah"he said nodding he then groans I raised my eyebrows

"you're stepping on my feet"he said I looked down and quickly moved blushing beat red

"oh sorry"i said before looking up at him

"you can't tell malia"

Phoenix ParrishWhere stories live. Discover now