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She walked for what seemed like miles. Trees passed, limbs snapped underneath her feet. What would become of Alison Troy now? Surely soon enough, the demons who terrorized her would come for her...to call her home. Home is where the hell is after all. "I did not murder my mother." She kept repeating to herself as she walked through the forest. "It wasn't me." She said picking up a twig and tossing it into the air. "Of course it wasn't dear." She stopped, her breathing got heavier as she looked around. "It was me." There it was again. "Oh come on Ali don't act like you didn't want her dead. She wanted YOU dead after all." That voice. It's eerie sound breathed down her neck as she realized she would never escape the demons on her way. Covering her ears, Alison trudged forward, no destination in mind, her only mission for the moment? Put enough distance between herself and Wellington Mental Institution. They would notice that she was gone in the morning so she only had a limited amount of time and a lot of ground to cover. "You didn't have to kill her. Now they think I did it." She said to the cold October air. "She was going to stand in the way of our plans. She had to go." It said again in that type of voice that sent shivers down your back and made the hairs on your neck stand up. Alison said nothing in reply but instead kept moving forward. She had nowhere to go and no family that she could depend on. Everyone had abandoned her. Well, they did that years ago when she starting seeing that therapist. Everybody thought that Alison Troy was crazy, and now that Mary Troy was dead? There was no absolute doubt. Especially since Alison was found at the scene of the crime, with blood all over her clothes and that 9mm in her hand pointing it at her father, daring him to step closer. Except it wasn't really Alison, and so the demonic possession claims landed her in Wellington, where she was sentenced to 19 years. David Troy hadn't visited his daughter once since she was sent there. But who could blame him? The town called his daughter Satan, and he was the man who created that evil spawn. She thought about all the family that left her. "I'm your family now." There it was again. And for some odd reason, it was right. The demons had become her family in the worst way possible. They understood her, even though she didn't want them too. They comforted her at night, when she cried for them not too. They were there and she absolutely hated it. Hated them for who they made her. "I'm getting an exorcism." She said out loud and kept walking, heading south of the town line. "And you think some silly little priest is gonna get rid of us? You're absolutely mistaken. But you can try." A different one said. Alison had lost count, seems as though they were throwing a party and she was the host. The more that came, the less in control of her body she was. The night air hugged her like a dark and chilly blanket, as she wrapped her arms around herself in a hug. She kept walking until she reached the road and the sign that read NOW LEAVING LAWSON COUNTY. Smiling, Alison touched the sign and moved past it. She had to leave, it was the only way.

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