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I woke up in a basement. All I saw as a chair and a fridge. I tried to move but my arms were tied down to a chair. My mouth was so dry.

  I heard footsteps as someone walked downstairs.  I look at the person. It's a girl. She came over and gave me water. And then ran out, out of the door on the side came Adriana. "Morning Travipoo" she smiled and un clamped my cuffs.

    My wrists where dead I couldn't feel my fingers. She gave me food. I shoved it down my throat. I heard her laugh at my dumb face.

  I knew someone was missing but I couldn't figure it out. I see her grab me and pull me upstairs. Her house was beautiful and expensive looking. A small cat named Artimis walked over.

He was adorable.

I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone and saw a picture of a random guy kissing my cheek

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I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone and saw a picture of a random guy kissing my cheek. I opened up my phone and saw Texts from a guy named Zane.

Travis: hello?
Travis: who are you?
Zane: Travis? She put potions on you.
Travis: leave me alone

Travis blocked Zane.

Sorry for short chapter. I'm sick and needed to st one out. Bye- Alyssa

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