Amy Hobbs

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The bell rung for class and I tugged slightly at Leah and David's clothing, they got the message and we all ran to biology, "Hello new 6th grader and welcome to you're first year to Middle School! Yaaaaaaay!" the teacher was way to enthusiastic about this....We did line up outside the door and waited to be let in, we got to choose who we sat next to and I decided to sit next to David and Leah, I noticed right off the bat a lot of kids that separated into different types of people, the popular girls,the popular guys,theater kids,and the goths, I noticed this by the way they acted and talked.

"Anyway my name is Mrs.Delgado and I am your biology teacher for this year and every other year you attend this school, Now I'm gonna take role now and when I say your name raise your hand and say one interesting fact about yourself" Mrs.Delgado said "SHIT!" I whispered to myself.

"Ella Callahan?" Mrs.Delgado said

"Here! I'm Ella Callahan and an interesting thing about me is that my daddy owns a Starbucks shop in Seattle" Avery said, her voice was perky and annoying.

"Were in Seattle bitch" I said in my head

"Bobby Heckler?"


"Amelia Hobbs?"

"Here, and I go by Amy"

"Ah gotcha"

"David Rowland?"

After Mrs.Delgado said David's name I heard the popular girls start whispering and giggling.


"Okay then"

~Le Time Skip~

Class ended and I packed my things and walked out the room and headed to Math next, The classmates that were in science with us are now going to be in all of our classes (basically saying the entire class is moving together to the next class) I took my seat and took out my math book and pencil, David sat behind me and Leah sat in front of me, then just my luck! Three popular girls sat next to David and surrounded him and they started giggling. BLEGH! it was really gross watching them hopelessly trying to flirt and try and act innocent.

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