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Hey Hey Hey My Beautiful Pack!!!! Jasiline and Shadow here! and guess what! I have some special guests! Bluenight and Ody-Chan! *Crowd Cheers and Goes wild* Okay okay calm down. lets not start a blazin' fire here with your excitement! *Crowd Bursts out laughing* anywho lets start this by introducing my two friends Blue and Ody-Chan. Ya'll know Ody-Chan from the book Sticks and Stones. Blue is a friend of my also family as well as a member of my Shadow Pack. She's amazing, Reliable, smart, funny,talented, and knows how to calm me down. Welcome my Amazing friend/part of my family.....BLUENIGHT! *the crowd whistles and howls in excitement* *chuckles* Alright calm down. I ask Blue to be here with me because she's just amazing and I want her to feel welcomed. 

Ody-Chan: Great to be here! thanks so much for giving me a chance to be in your new book! and Welcome, Blue! 

Bluenight: Hi! thanks for putting me in your new book. 

Me: Thank YOU for being here, Blue. and you as well Ody-chan! *laughs* Now to introduce the one and only....CAST STARS OF STATION 51 AND RAMPART EMERGENCYYYYYY!!!!! *crowd goes wild* *laughs* Take it away Cap! 

Captain Stanley: Thanks! Hi! I'm Captain Stanley you guys know me already but I'm just gonna say I'm married and the guys call me cap. Mike you're up! 

Mike Stoker: I'm Mike Stoker, the engineer at Station 51. I'm also married and I'm the quiet one here but whenever I talk, which is rare, it's either important or I just want to have fun with chet a little bit. *Chuckles* Marco you're up buddy! 

Marco Lopez: Thanks Mike! Hi, I'm Marco Lopez one of the linemen here at Station 51. I make great chili, I love my job and the guys here, and Mama makes the best tamales! Chet, you're up pal!

Chet Kelly: I'm Chester B. Kelly. the other lineman here at Station 51 . I'm also the phantom and John Gage Is my pidgin. Roy, you're next!

Roy DeSoto: I'm Roy DeSoto, one part of the 'Dynamic Duo' and The Senior Firefighter/Paramedic. Johnny is my best friend and I also think of him as a little brother and I can be a little- *Guys in the background: A LITTLE?!* Okay A lot over protective! and I'm the...'mother hen' for Johnny when he gets hurt or he's upset. *huffs* Junior, You're up next. 

John Gage: Hi! I'm John Gage but my friends/Family call me Johnny. Roy calls me Junior, Johnny, Pally, and Partner when he's in a good mood and he calls me John when he's mad....I'm also the other part of the 'Dynamic Duo' and The Junior Firefighter/Paramedic....and the youngest crew member of Station 51. Now here are our friends/family from rampart! First up is....Joe Early! 

Rampart Staff:
Joe Early: Thanks Johnny. I'm Joe Early. the Neurosurgeon Here at Rampart General. I sometimes assist Dix and Kel in the emergency room along with Johnny and Roy. Here's Kel.

Kelly 'Kel' Brackett: Thanks Joe. I'm Dr. Kelly Brackett. Dix and Joe call me Kel. I'm Senior ER physician here at Rampart General. You're up Dix. 

Dixie 'Dix' McCall: Thanks Kel. Hi, I'm Dixie McCall. I served as an Army Nurse during the Korean War and I'm the head nurse of the Emergency Room here at Rampart General Hospital. I give facts and just lost to see my two favorite Paramedics from my favorite Fire Station. Station 51. I take good  care of the patients and I don't mess around. also when something is needed to be said I say it. Okay Mike. you're up. 

Mike Morton: Thanks Dix. I'm Mike Morton. I don't mess around when I work and I'm strictly business. I'm all facts but I do have a heart. anyway. thats all the introductions here. 

Me: *groans* Mike you are so egotistical...anyway now that all the introductions are out of the way I'll see you guys in the first chapter of.....MEMORIES AND FLASH BACKS!!!!!!!! and if you haven't read my first book "Sticks and Stones...." read it now to catch up. then this will all make sense. until next time....bye! and remember...

All cast of Emergency, Ody-chan, Blue, and me: Keep on those turnout coats and those hoses sprayin! this is gonna be one HOT BLAZIN Chapter! and Keep calm and watch EMERGENCY! *all laugh and disappear in a puff of smoke* 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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