Prologue: So close....

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Author's Note: Hey Guys! Welcome to the new and improved Resident evil Fanfiction. This is my first fanfiction so comments and suggestions are appreciated! Enjoy :)


Alarms blared. (Y/n) ran down the hallway, lungs burning as she did. Wearily looking over her shoulder to see if she was being followed. Relieved to see an empty corridor, and the red lights fading from view as she sped through the vacant space.

(Y/n) repeated her instructions through her head as she sprinted from where she had been. "Get the files, get out" She voiced.

Once she had reached her destination she slid to a halt. (Y/n) breathed heavily trying to compose herself. She had worked so hard, Now was not the time to get sloppy. The door hissed open as she tapped her security card on the sensor.

One large console took up the whole side of the room. (Y/n) smirked at the site of her target, her footsteps quietly echoed off of the cement floor. Reaching the console that housed a computer, (Y/n) pulled a USB stick out from the pouch on her holster. Sliding the USB in, the computer whirred to life, (Y/n) casually leaned over the desk, tapping her foot impatiently. She clicked the documents and found the files labeled Ouroboros. (Y/n) could finally leave, she could get back to the BSAA again and tell Chris and her Captain everything. She smiled at the thought. Once all the data had transferred, she ejected the stick and placed it back in it's former place in a pocket on her Umbrella uniform. (Y/n) sighed with pride as she turned to leave only to be abruptly stopped in her tracks. (Y/n)'s eyes slowly traced their way up to meet the person who had stopped her, only to be met with a smirk, blonde hair and dark sunglasses. (Y/n) remained frozen in place as she made eye contact with none other than Albert Wesker. (Y/n) could do nothing but let out a fearful shuddered breath. Wesker's words were smooth and sinister, sending a shiver up (Y/n)'s spine, she dared not move.

"What do we have here?" Wesker sneered. 

(REWRITING) Resident Evil Fanfiction: Stranded (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now