Chapter 3: Not Alone

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Her breath quickened as she made sense of the situation and made eye contact with the people who stood opposite to her, with the bodies of her attackers in between (Y/n) and them. They made their way over to her, but to (Y/n) it felt like everything was in slow motion, (Y/n) just stared at the two shadows approaching her. Her gut was telling her to get the hell out of there, so she turned to run once more but was stopped by the hands of one of the shadows

"Hey, hey, we're not here to hurt you" A male voice said. (Y/n) didn't respond, she just turned to face the two tears falling once more. She cradled her arm, feeling it throbbing as she struggled to breathe.

"Chris, she's hurt and she's lost a lot of blood" A female voiced as she went to inspect the wound, (Y/n) flinched away from the woman.

"Woah, hey it's going it's going to be okay" She said comfortingly as she step back slightly, giving (Y/n) some space.

"Is anyone else with you?" the one named Chris asked (Y/n) as he noticed the gun in her pocket .

"N-n-o-o" (Y/n) managed as she squeezed her eyes shut, allowing more tears to fall. (Y/n)'s vision had began to falter, she stumbled slightly as she stood.

"Jill, help her walk, we need to get her out of here" Chris said while silently gesturing to (Y/n)'s gun. Jill slowly and carefully laced her arm around (Y/n)'s back and place (Y/n)'s arm around her neck, encouraging her to move. The three traveled through the network of the city streets to a location unknown to (Y/n), but Chris and Jill did save her from those Umbrella soldiers so they were either there at the right time or a planned time. (Y/n) wanted to be nervous and worried about what was going to happen to her but she didn't feel threatened. They made it to the centre of the city. Chris had his gun out and ready to shoot at anything that moved but it was unusually quiet. (Y/n) spotted her home on the corner next to the City hall or what used to be her home. Jill glanced at (Y/n), with worry ridden on her face. (Y/n) just kept staring at her home, longing for the past, one that was now ash and dust. A helicopter was heard above and it landed down gently as Jill urged (Y/n) to walk faster so that they could board. Chris took (Y/n) from Jill and helped her onto the helicopter, that's when (Y/n) saw small black dots moving around behind Jill and Chris.

"Guys" (Y/n) mumbled, not loud enough for either of the adults to hear.

She took matters into her own hands. (Y/n) pulled out the gun from her pocket and aimed it at one of the infected making their way towards the helicopter. Chris was busy loading everything up when he noticed (Y/n) and where her gun was pointing and he whipped around to find a hoard of the infected approaching them, he unholstered his weapon and began picking them off. (Y/n) fired a few shots, the first two missing and the third hitting one rotting male in the arm. (Y/n) was visibly frustrated at her inaccuracy, Jill interrupted her thoughts when she put pressure on her bullet wound, (Y/n) gritted her teeth and tried not to scream as she breathed deeply. She dropped her gun, knowing she wasn't really helping, just making noise.

"Chris we really need to get out of here" Jill urged, trying to yell over Chris' gunshots. "Get ready to take off" She told the pilot as she leaned out of the helicopter.

"Chris!" She yelled over the now spinning blades of the helicopter. He glanced at Jill and she gestured for him to hurry. He complied and jumped in the aircraft, just as the helicopter left the ground. Chris looked exhausted as he pulled the door closed, cutting off the flurry of air from outside. (Y/n) glanced out the window of the helicopter, once again spotting those dogs.

(Y/n) was startled out of her thoughts as Chris spoke, "We call those dogs Cerberus, they're BOW's, Bio Organic Weapons" Chris explained. (Y/n) was exhausted herself. She just nodded and leaned her head against the glass window, tears slowly flowing again. Jill was sitting next to (Y/n) comfortingly rubbing her right arm.

"Hey, what's your name?" Jill asked gently. "My name is (Y/n)" She replied swallowing down her sobs. She spoke with more composure than before but her tone was solemn and drained.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Jill" Jill smiled as she introduced herself, "This is my partner Chris" Jill gestured to Chris.

Chris smiled at (Y/n)'s fragile form "We'll make sure you're safe (Y/n)" he reassured. "Do you have any family that you can stay with?" he asked.

(Y/n) didn't reply, she turned away from Chris to lean against the window once more. The thought of her family was too awful to bear. Chris looked at Jill and shook his head.

"Take us back to headquarters" Chris said to the pilot with a sigh.

Jill was dress (Y/n)'s wound. "You know, we might just leave the bullet in there" Jill mentioned, "Might be less painful for you and from what I can see, it's hasn't hit anything vital" She continued.

"Thank you, both of you" (Y/n) smiled at the two adults. They smiled at her in return.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you some question" Chris said leaning forward to speak to the young girl.

(Y/n) had calmed down enough, she was safe and with kind people. "Ya, sure, of course" She said.

"What happened?" Chris openly asked.

"Um, well it was like any normal day. I came home from school with my brother...." She paused.

"Take your time" Jill chimed in, placing her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder in comfort.

(Y/n) coughed, clearing her throat so that she could continue. "With my brother Jacob. We had dinner with my mom and Dad once they came home from work. We were watching out favourite TV series together. It was the perfect day. Then, the power went out and we just thought that it was a problem with the circuit breaker, so my dad went to fix it. Then the door smashed off the hinges and these things came trudging through. My mom was screaming, I was frozen in my place and brother was trying to get me to move. My mother, my brother and myself ran to the basement where my dad was, and we bolted the door closed. But it didn't hold them for long. They came barreling down the stairs, just as my dad had pushed me out of the window with Jacob. Then my parents... died. They were just normal people, expect they were covered in blood and they were eating my parents." (Y/n) paused as she stared down at her hands that were stained with Jacob's blood. "Then we ran out of the city, got jumped by some bandits..." (Y/n) trailed off not wanting to talk about her brother anymore. "Now here we are." She breathed

Chris sensed (Y/n)'s shortness at the end of her explanation. "I'll ask you some more questions when we get to our headquarters" Chris finished.

(Y/n) didn't really seem to care where she went anymore. After all, She had nothing to lose. 

(REWRITING) Resident Evil Fanfiction: Stranded (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now