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Kasey POV

Twenty years ago..

"Kasey, listen to me. Phone lines are going down and it's a miracle I can get a call through to you. You have to meet me at Marks." Her words were stern, but the underlying panic was what almost made my car swerve. "Jackson is grabbing Sierra from her work and meeting us there and –"

"What do you mean he's grabbing Sierra and going? What about the kids? Do they have them or are they at daycare?" On the other end of the line came an eery silence, and as the seconds went on I felt my heart rate continually begin to climb. "If you have planned to not go get those kids, have the fucking balls to tell me so, Josie. I will not go anywhere without them. I won't."

"Babe... they're firebombing the part of town already before Jackson could get there. The daycare is probably burned down and..." I could hear her sobs choking her as she cut off, but they didn't sway me. I almost began to speak when she continued, "Just please come to Mark's house, I can't lose you too."

"No" I said firmly, swerving my car in the other direction, making sure my gym bag with the weapons I could scrounge up at work was in arms reach. "I'm going to get the kids and then I will meet you at Marks. I won't go without them, I will have to see that daycare burning with my own eyes."

"Kasey don't you dare, you come to Mark's right now. Heading in that direction, you'll end up on foot and these things are everywhere. How can you-" but I cut her off.

"I will say this and this is the last thing I will say to you..." I paused, surveying the street as people run in the direction I'm coming from. "I will not be a coward and leave those babies, I don't care if you think they're gone. I love you, we will find you." She began to sputter on the other line, screaming at me, but I ended the call. As I neared where I could see flames licking over houses, I slung my backpack on, and with a butcher knife in one hand and a tire iron in the other, I set off. "I'm coming Tristan and Aurora. I'm coming".

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