Chapter One - Oops

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You yawned, stretching yourself to full length on your bed before relaxing. The beeping of your alarm came from your phone, which was right under your pillow.

Groaning, you got up and shut it off. First day of school. If you were seven, you'd be hyped to meet new people, make new friends.

Sadly, you are a high schooler. Thankfully, in your third, and last year.

Clumsily navigating to the closet, your head dizzy from getting up too fast, you pulled out your uniform.

You had decorated the bow with little metal pins you had seen in shops, your favorite being a shiny metal heart and a lavender star.

Getting dressed, you put on your skirt. Now, you weren't necessarily a prude, but you were insecure about your legs. It draped down to halfway past your calf.

Looking in the mirror, you made any last minute adjustments before thinking you were decent, grabbing your bag and heading out.

"I'm going." you call out into the empty apartment.

You didn't live with your family, feeling as though their.. rambunctiousness would take a toll on you, so you got a job and eventually your own place (with the help of a friend).

Living on the first floor had its perks. No elevators or stairs, and close the mail. You were thankful your neighbors were quiet, elderly people.

Leaving the apartment complex behind, you began walking along the sidewalk.

You decided to pass the time by taking your phone out and playing our favorite mobile game, (n.)

You heard footsteps running behind you and you sighed, knowing who it was.

"Kirī.." you say, as the red-haired boy ran up to you.

"Aww, how'd you know?" he said with a wink.

Laughing it off, you kept walking, talking with your friend.

You don't know how, but every class you had in this school had Kirī in it. You had known him since forever, so it was only natural that you two would become friends.

"Any clubs this year?" he asked you, glancing over.

"No time. I have work." You mumble out, focused on your game.

"You should like, totally come to one of my-" Kirī stopped mid sentence when you walked directly into someone in front of you and fell back.

"Watch it!" you say, dusting yourself off and picking up your phone and bag.

Not sparing the stranger a second glance, you kept walking with Kirī, who stared for a good five seconds before catching up with you.

"Do you know who you just rammed into?!" Kirī said worriedly.

"Mr. Obama?" you chuckle jokingly.

"No! Jotaro Kujō! Delinquent, responsible for a lot of hospitalizations, literally almost killed someone?! And you say 'Watch it'?!" Kirī sighed. "You really are something, (Y/N)."

Before you could chuckle and reply with a witty remark, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

Looking at the owner of said hand, you were met with a mildly handsome student. His cascading red hair and cherry earrings matched him. And tall. Very tall.

"Hey..?" you say, faintly amused.


You were aware you had stopped walking, awkward tension growing, while Kirī stood next to you, in shock.

"My-uh buddy over there wants payment or compensation for knocking into him." he said, signaling to the muscle wall you ran into earlier.

"Too bad, so sad. I don't have cash on me right now." Smiling sweetly, with bitterness underneath. This guy was going to make you late.

As if macho man junior heard you, he started walking over to you.

Before you could say anything, he grabbed your forearm and dragged you along with him to the  school.

You were shocked, looking back at Kirī who had a similar reaction.

"Hey-uh, mind letting go?" you say, looking up at  the wall of flesh.

He glanced down at you and kept walking. Irritated, you tried punching, prying, etcetera to get him off.

Sighing, you know you had to result to that.

It didn't have a name, you never bothered giving it one. At first you would've named it 'Fridge' but you decided against it.

A small beetle appeared next to you. Its light blue and white pattern was complementing the cold, autumn weather.

It buzzed around before settling on the mans hand.

He saw it and tried swatting it away. The beetle stayed, unmoving. You spotted the familiar ice patch forming where it rested.

"What the hell?!" he said, letting go.

The beetle faded and dispersed. The man had an unreadable look on his face.

Not minding it, you went back to Kirī, his blue eyes wide in shock.

"You were saying?" you said, starting to walk again.


"She's a stand user." Jotaro said, sitting on the roof with Kakyoin.

"Is that so? What was her stand?"

"This tiny beetle thing. It started slowly freezing my hand, but when I felt the ice on my palm, I f lt something much sinister.."

Kakyoin sighed, stretching himself out. "And here I thought, thinking this could be a normal year.."

Jotaro grunted, something else on his mind. He hates to admit it, but he was a bit curious and envious of you. You seemed friendly, nice, had a friend or two from what he could tell.


How did he even know your name? It probably came up in conversation, hopefully.

But there was no conversation. Jotaro was simply listening in too much.

DARK HEARTED (Yandere!Jotaro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now