Chapter Two - Punch

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You're not exactly sure why or how it happened. It wasn't unwelcome, but you were still a bit.. set off about it.

Kakyoin proposed to being friends, apologizing for his friend, Jotaro's behavior.

You rarely saw him, and the few times you did, it was... odd.

It was either Jotaro staring at you from a distance, unmoving, quietly watching you. The other was walking normally being swarmed by peers and miscellaneous girls.

There was always the off chance of Kakyoin and Jotaro being present while you hung out with Kakyoin, but Jotaro never contributed to the conversation. He only stared.

"So, (Y/N). Any plans for the weekend?" Kirō asked you, lazily splayed on the grass. His red hair gently faded into the crisp green grass, and his blue eyes were expectant and nervous.

"Nah. I have homework, but its easy." you reply. "Why?"

"Well, I was just wondering. Since you have no plans, want to-"

"(Y/N)." a gruff voice said.

Kirō narrowed his eyes in annoyance, while you looked up in wonder.

Jotaro stood, practically towering over you. His eyes were shadowed by his hat, and his fists were clenched.

"I need help with a project." he said.

You blink before bursting out in laughter. Kirō smiled at you, before splaying himself on the grass again.

Jotaro looked at you, nervously sweating unbeknownst to you. Why was she laughing?

Pretending to wipe a tear from your eye, you looked back up at Jotaro.

"Aren't you friends with Kakyoin? Just ask him for help, he's smart." you say.

"No. I don't want to. I want your help." he said.

Kirō tapped your wrist. "(Y/N), as I was saying-"

"Shut up!" Jotaro yelled, glaring at your friend.

Before Kirō could come up with a witty retort, a ghost-like entity appeared behind Jotaro and launched him across the field.

"K-Kirō! What the hell, Jotaro?" you scream, running over to him. He had hit a pole and was slumped over.

"Kirō. Kirō! How many hands am I holding up?" you say, shaking the red heads shoulder.

Jotaro gritted his teeth together in annoyance.

It's his fault for interrupting.

Kirō lazily looked up at you, a smile spreading across his lips. "Three, your thumb is a thumb, not a finger."

You giggled and helped him up, not missing the audible 'tch' as he placed pressure on his left leg.

"You alright or are you dead?" you tease playfully.

"Dead. Definitely dead." Kirō responded.

"Alright, nurse here we come."

Jotaro had already left. You searched the clearing for him, but it seems it vanished.


Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. Bastard..

Star Platinum aggressively punched the oak tree, tearing it down after a minute or so.

Why am I so angry? Oh yeah. It was his fault. Why'd he interrupt? Bastard.

"I'm guessing it didn't go as planned?" a familiar voice said.

Jotaro didn't turn to greet his friend. "How could you tell?" he said bitterly.

Kakyoin chuckled. "I'll ask if you want."

Jotaro nodded. "Yeah. Please."

"What's this project about anyways?" Kakyoin said, sitting on a tree stump.

"Researching colder climates." Jotaro said. "We were allowed to research anything. Its a starter project."

Kakyoin nodded. "I see. Was the topic because of..?"

Jotaro shot him a look that said everything. "I also want to get to know her.."

Chuckling, Kakyoin had Hierophant pat his friends head. "Well, I'll help however I can."

"Mm. Thanks."

DARK HEARTED (Yandere!Jotaro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now