🌹chapter three🌹

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Mingyu's P.O.V

I've been avoiding wonwoo the past week just the thought of him being with a girl just really pissed me off

I know I dont have the right to be mad since were not together and he's straight as hell and me? Well Im as straight as entagled earphones....

I walked into my class hoping that he wasnt there but low and behold there he is with he's beauty

His sharp eyes peirced my heart we made eye contact for a second but I looked away quickly

"MINGYU!!" he shouted my name walking briskly towards me, I turned around and ran the opposite direction trying to lose him

I ran away not wanting to talk to him it just hurts too much

I turned a corner and I finally losed him; I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath 'he was fast for a sloth' I thought to myself when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder

"Minghao! You scared me! Where in hell did you come from?" I screamed startled by the chinese boy suddenly appearing right behind me

"Honestly...Mingyu why are you running away from Wonwoo?" He asked concerned

"Its nothing..." I answered back and gung my head low

"Anyways...you should go talk to him he Jun said he's really upset" Minghao replied walking away

I stood there for a moment

'Why would he be upset?' I thought to myself and walked up the roof for some silence

I opened the door to the roof and found a crying girl sitting on the edge of the roof-- I watcged her for a bit when she finally stood up and looke as if she wa sgoing to jump

I ran towards her and held her back

"YA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she yelled at me slapping my hands

" Stopping you from jumping!"


I loosened my grip on her and smiled akwardly

"Dont take this the wrong way"

"Its alright Pabo...and the person you think is straight isnt what you really think" she winked at me and left

"Weird" i said to myself and sat down I plugged in my headphones and listened to Astro's confession

I didnt realize until later that I had fallen asleep and it was already lunch

"Shit" I cursed and ran down knocking someone over in the process

"I-Im sorry" I apologized and stood up when I saw who I bumped into I cursed to myself yet again

"Mingyu? Where the hell have you been half the fucking day!?" He said and stood up brushing my hand away since I was about to help him get up //Rejected Mingyu//

I walked away from him again and Saw the look in his eyes he was hurt

"What the hell's going on with you Mingyu!?" He shouted grabbing my wrist

"Nothing...wonwoo let go"

"Why have you been avoiding me!?"

I remained silent

"Mingyu what's gotten over to you!? First you ignore me then all you're gonna say is nothing!?"

I snatched my wrist away and left I knew he was hurt but Its for the best I fell for him years ago but he cant know that....

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