Chapter 4

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I gulped. He really did saw me! Wait, what if his "Cinderella" was not me? Yeah, could be.

"What does she look like?" I asked, trying my best not to look as nervous than I actually was.

"Ah,it's actually a guy crossdressing" His words shot me like a bullet. My heart beat picked up its pace and beat faster than usual, I was sweating more than I was before, my eyes widened in shock and horror, my face turned pale and my my mind was filled with thoughts about the outcome when he found out that it was me.

I prayed for the bell to ring already and when it did, I gave out a sigh of relief. "Let's go" I looked at Jungkook in confusion. "Stupid, we're in the same class together, let's go" he chuckled. My eyes widened as I internally cursed at myself for forgetting that. FUCK!

The class I was in with Jungkook went out smoothly. Fortunately for me, our teacher arranged our seats and he sat with Minhyuk. They seem to get along well as I sat with Yoongi, the class president. Everyone's afraid of him, that's why he's the class president. Rumor has it that he took down two mafia groups single handed, its just rumors,though.

"Taehyung" his deep voice alerted me. "Y-yes, President?"

"Mr.Yoo assigned the class to do the worksheet, don't be a burden and complete it" Yoongi said, his eyes glaring the shizzles out of me. I nodded slowly and turned to my paper, afraid to face him longer.


I kicked around my bed,thinking of Jungkook finding out who his 'Cinderella' really is. Would he get disappointed? Of course, he's straight, right? I ruffled my hair in frustration whilst groaning. "I need a walk" I suggested, sitting up. I turned to my clock then to my window, realising that it has gotten really late. "Maybe next time" I smiled shyly.

I turned off the light and plopped myself on my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I woke around the afternoon yet I still had the urge to fall alseep again. Luckily, it was a school holiday. I thought it was going to be a peaceful afternoon until Jin barged in.

"GET YO' ASS UP! YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING FOR NINE MONTHS, CLEAN THE KITCHEN!!" Jin yelled. Nine months? Was I in a coma? Good, then Jungkook could've forgotten about me. I sighed and felt for my phone on my nightstand. I turned it on and I immediately regretted in because the lightness of my phone was too much for me that I may have gone blind. I squinted my eyes as I saw the date and the time.

9.17 AM

Tuesday, 11 February 2018

Wait, 2018? February? I thought I was in a coma for nine months? Ah, I should've known. Jin was over exaggerating again. I groaned as I stood up from my bed but at the same time, Jin barged into my room again and splashed a jug of water at my face.

"Dude! I'm awake already!" I yelled at him.

"Yah, don't disrespect me like that! If I hadn't splashed this water on you, you would be still sleeping and your brain wouldn't function properly!" What was he saying? I'm clearly awake and standing right now and my brain is functioning perfectly fine too.

Jin walked out of my room while I take a quick shower before I stink.


I tied my shoelaces and locked the front door before grabbing my book bag and head off to the library. Jin was planning to stay over for the day but his boyfriend called over to his house so I was left alone in my house. Nothing much to do so why not make use of the time and go to the library.

I clutched on my bag strap as I heard a very familiar laughter that makes a knot in my stomach. Ah, Jungkook. Who else would make me feel this way? I fastened up my pace and make it towards the the entrance of the library but

"Kim Taehyung!"


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