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"Jungkook is gay...for me."

He's lying. I know he is.

I can tell.

"I know you too well..." I chuckle

He sighs before dramatically leaning on the concrete wall of the school enterance.

"You really don't have to become popular to get someone's attention. You have my attention! YOUR HUBBY~" He streches his arms around me, making me slighty jump.

"Don't tell me..." I stiffle a laugh

"What?" He asked. His eyes were big, almost like I found out a secret.

"You're Jelly."

".... Maybe I am. Maybe I get a little frustrated when you have all your attention on a fetus"

Luna's leaf brushed against his nose, making him scrunch it.

"That fetus is pretty handsome though..." I tease.

Why am enjoying his frustration? Maybe cause his cute scoffs? Or his little habits of playing with his hair when he's bothered? Or just how damn adorable his bothered face can be?

"I'm handsome too? Get your eyes checked"

"Oh I will." I swiftly pass by him, entering school grounds with Luna in one of my arms.

It's strange though. I've never seen Taehyung this upset.

Distant footsteps get near behind me and two arms snake around my waist to pick me up from the ground.

I yelp.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't leave me. Don't be mad~" Tae said as he whined.

I smiled at his whining "You seem more clingy than usual"

"You're still my wifue right?" He layed his cheek on my shoulder.

Gosh, is it getting hot in here?

I hesitated to nod because I could see Jungkook walk toward the school enterance.

One of God's finest work is walking to bless me.


Jungkook turned his head to both of us and waved happily.

"Guys! Oh my gosh, Todd I'm so sorry for leaving so quickly this morning. My mommy would've been so mad if she knew I stayed at a girl's house." He explained

"O-oh it's fine! I understand. Tae came to accompany me, it's fine" I awkwardly laugh it off.

Jungkook scratches the back of his neck cutely "Thank you for understanding. I have to go now. Goodbye guys!"

I sigh in satisfaction "Isn't he just perfect?"

"I'm perfect too." Tae released a low mumble

"Yes. Perfect at invading my space. Sho sho!" I shake my body a few times to make him lossen his arms but nope. Didn't work.

They just got tighter.

"Aigoo~" he whined

"What?" I ask. He's strange today.

"I wanted to bring my shamwow to show and tell so I can demonstrate to my class if Luna's water leaks from the pot, the Shamwow can soak it all up"

"Tae, who is your teacher? Let me know please."

"Ms. Frizzle" he looked up at me.

"Oh 4th period?" I ask

He nods "yeah. How'd you know?"

"I saw you once coloring in her classroom."

I start to laugh at the memory. He looked cute concentrating in not coloring over the lines.

"It was an adult coloring book FYI." He scoffs.

"I bet Jungkook can color it without going out of the lines" I turn my head towards him and smirk. His brows furrow when I give him a challenging look.

"I colored the whole page in less than 40 minutes!"

"I watched Jungkook color a whole grid paper in 20 minutes and created a cool design!"

"I can run 3 miles in 30 minutes!"

"Jungkook can run 4 in 30 minutes!"

"I can cook you breakfast, lunch and Dinner for you everyday!"

"Jungkook can create gravity defying food!"

"I can make an elephant with my arm!"

"Jungkook has bunny teeth!"

"I have 6 soccer game trophies!"

"Jungkook has 8 swimming trophies and a black belt in karate!"


We probably look like crazy people yelling at each other from afar.

"I...At least I won't leave you..." His eyes watered.

My smirk vanished in a flash when I saw his glassy eyes.

Oh my!

"Stop comparing me. I can accomplish things at my own pace. But I'll never be as good as Jungkook....I know that." He looked down at the pavement.

A small tear landed on the ground.

"N-no that's not what I meant, Tae! I was just t-teasing. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I panicked when he released me from his grip

"I'm sorry for not being good enough..." He mumbled

"Oh my gosh! Tae, no! You are good enough in your own way." I reach my hand to pat his shoulder.

"Aish...Hubbies aren't supposed to cry." He let's out a chuckle, but it sounded forced and empty.

I put Luna down on the ground to give him a big bear hug.

I caressed his hair "My hubby can cry. It won't change anything"

His arms wrap around me. I can feel his heartbeat...it beats just as fast when I see Jungkook.

"R-Remember that drama we watched?" He asked

I nod "yeah."

"And the girl had a heart problem."

No. All she had was a crush.

"Tae it wasn't actually—"

"And it beated super hard when the guy went near?"


"And the whole world stopped when he was infront of her?"

"She was actually—"

"That's exactly what I'm feeling right now."


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