Chapter 9

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Darius P.O.V

I was happy asf when Destiny told me she would be my girl.


"lol morning"

My phone started ringing and I glanced at my phone and it was kel.

"Aye nigga wsssup"

"Aye Keshean done got shot meet me @ Grady Memorial Hospital."


"What happened ?"

"Get dressed"

"Ok but what happened"


Destiny P.O.V

I was mad when Darius yelled at me but you can hear the pain in his voice so I just didn't let it get to me.

The whole car ride was silent and I was confused when we pulled up to a hospital but I know something gots to be wrong.

He rushed inside of the hospital and said

"What room is Keshean Johnson in ?" Darius said

I looked shocked and I texted Mya.

Text mode

Me: Come to Grady Memorial Hospital Something is wrong with Keshean

BestieBoo🤪💜👯‍♀️: Omg OK

"Room number 239"

We went to the room he was in and I say some people I never saw before.

Jay P.O.V

Damn who this be ? She pretty asf

"This my girl nigga" Darius said

"Shit. She gotta sister ? Bestfriend ? Friend ?"

"No sister but she gotta bestfriend and her bestfriend gotta nigga"

"Damn ok"

Darius P.O.V

"so wtf happened ?"

"Me and Keshean was doing a drop some nigga tried to give us half the money and when Keshean confronted his ass the man was about to shoot him until Keshean shot his ass first and somebody the nigga was wit shot Keshean in his shoulder." Jay said

"Damn that mean we got problems don't it?"

"Ya we just gotta plan our next move in silent" kel said

*Knock knock*

Mya P.O.V

When I walked in everybody was just staring and shit.

"Hey girl"

"Hey"I said starting to cry

Destiny hugged me then Introduced me

"Everybody this is my bestfriend Mya"

"Let me guess this nigga here is her bf ?" Jay said while looking @ Keshean

Everybody started laughing

Keshean P.O.V

Fuck so funny ?

"My nigga" jay said

"omg baby are you ok ?"

"Yes I'm ok & can somebody get a nurse I'm ready to go."

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