Chapter 1: The Beginning of Change

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Jeremy's POV

"Are you sure this is safe?" 

"Probably not, but hey the spells weak it will break soon anyway why's the harm in breaking it a little early?" Replies Bonnie. I looked at her incredulously from across the living room in my house. " Anyway since when have you cared about danger you do stupid risky stuff all the time"

"Yeah but that's different this is magic not seeing if I can sneek up on Damon and stake him?" I defended myself.

"JEREMY!!!" Elena called shouting through the house making me wonder if banshees were a thing and if teen wolf would recast her as Lydia. Ever since Aunt Jenna nearly died during Klaus ritual she's been highly over protective, she's watching my back constantly like a bodyguard that isn't very good at her job cause let's face it Elena couldn't hurt a fly. 

"Yes Elena my dear sister?" I replied sarcastically fed up of her constant nagging to see if her families alright. I get she's lost a lot of people but I need air which I don't  when she's around.

"Hey Elena tell Jer he needs to let me undo this spell" demanded  Bonnie who was determined to break this spell, curious as to what it was.

"Wait wait wait hold up what spell?" Questioned Elena, who's concern was evident in her voice. 

"Ever since I got my power I noticed a spell on Jeremy and I started looking at it to see what sort of spell it was in case it was dangerous to undo it but it's like the spell that was put on Klaus so I'm wondering what he is, you know if I'm right about the workings of the spell" explained Bonnie trying to ease Elena's concerns, but instead of calm Elena became frustrated thinking of possible reasons someone could have to hurt Jeremy in such a way.

Since none of us are vampires nobody heard Aunt Jenna walking down the stairs until she tripped at the bottom when she heard the last of Bonnies explanation of the spell on me. Jenna coughed and chocked on air shocked at what she heard. "What spell? What do you mean by 'what he is'?" Jenna asked whilst I sit here feeling as though I'm no longer part of the conversation. 

I got up to make some tea for Jenna, Bonnie and Elena since Bonnie asked for some earlier but then she mentioned the spell which at the time was new information to me. Once I'd finished making the tea how everyone liked it I went back to the living room only to be bombarded by all three girls as to why I should let Bonnie break the spell.

After 5 minutes of nonstop voices all overlapping each other and the start of what is soon to be a massive headache I shouted "Alright just break the goddamn spell already!!" 

Bonnie squealed in delight excited to be able to use her powers to what she hopes is helping her friend. Once she gathered what she needed and found the correct spell she told me to sit on the sofa and get comfortable as it may take awhile due to the power Bonnie might need to use depending on how stable the spell is. 

She closed her eyes whilst I sat back getting comfortable as I had no idea how long I was going to be here for.


Damon parked his Camaro outside the Gilbert household picking up his glass of bourbon that he brought along with him on his little trip which was fuelled purely by boredom. 

He's just finished shutting the door to his car when he heard it. 

A gut wrenching scream caused by pure anguish and pain, things that he knew all too well.


All was silent in the small town in nowhere Virginia names Mystic Falls. 

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