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"Take everything but the delicious deals guys, my mom loves 'em." Eddie said, as the losers scavenged his cupboards and pantry for snacks and treats. If any household was always fully stocked with goodies, it was definitely the Kaspbraks. Sponsored by the overweight Mrs. Kaspbrak.

Bill, Richie and Stan threw in packet after packet into their bags. Spencer sat on the counter, nibbling on a cookie, occasionally chewing noisily with her mouth open to spook Eddie. Turning away from her with a shudder, he nudged Bill as he jumped down from the counter, backpack full. "Hey, you said the barrens and now you're adding in the sewers?"

Bill gave a sheepish smile and shrugged. Eddie huffed, "If we get caught-"

"We won't Eds," Spencer chimed in, licking crumbs from her fingers. "No one will find out."

"Yeah, the s-s-sewers are public works. We a-are the p-public, aren't we?" Bill added, shooting her a smile for the backup. Eddie didn't look so convinced though.

Richie opened another cupboard, looking for more snacks to stuff in his already straining pack, and came across rolls upon rolls of colorful pill bottles. He picked one up and inspected it with a cheeky grin, adjusting his glasses. "Eddie-bear are these your birth control pills?"

"Yes, you caught me, I'm actually saving them for your sister!" Eddie snapped, snatching the pills away from Richie and slipping them into his fanny-pack angrily. "This is private stuff, guys. A little respect please."

Patience clearly running out, he hastily shoved the others out of the kitchen and toward the front door. When a voice stopped them in their tracks. 

"Eddie dear," Mrs. Kaspbrak called, lounging on her recliner, watching a crappy daytime television game show. "Where are you kids off to in such a hurry?"

Eddie looked caught-out, sputtering for a cover-up and failing miserably at that. Bill jumped in, "Just m-m-my backyard, Mrs. K. I got a new..." Bill also run out of a story, looking at the others for help. 

"Croquet set." Richie deftly added. "Jeez, spit it out b-b-Bill."

The losers held their breath as Mrs. K appraised them, then luckily she lost interest and turned back to her show. "Okay. Eddie don't roll around in the grass, especially if it's been freshly cut. You know how your allergies get." 

"Yes mom," Eddie said, clearly embarrassed, he turned to his friends, "come on."

Mrs. K cleared her throat, "aren't you forgetting something?"

The losers watched awkwardly as Eddie slinked toward his mother, kissing her on the cheek quickly before rushing back. Richie snorted loudly, amusement lighting up his face, "do you want one from me too, Mrs. K?" 

Eddie pushed him harshly out the door, the others following quickly. Just before closing the door Eddie stuck his head inside and smiled apologetically at his unimpressed mother, "Sorry mommy."


"That's poison ivy." Stan declared. "And that's poison ivy...and that's poison ivy."

Eddie jumped, eyes scanning the leafy ground. "Where? Where's the poison ivy?"

Spencer rolled her eyes at their dramatics. Those two were like the princes of paranoia, exaggerating every scenario that paused even a slight, miniscule threat to their health. 

"No where!" Richie exclaimed, "not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley."

"Okay, well, I'm starting to get itchy now." Eddie murmured, scratching his neck, still glancing around cautiously.

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