Rose Petals in the Music Room

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"Hey you okay?" A slightly squeaky voice says from behind me. I look up to see a boy with amber hair,golden eyes, and  a shy smile.He strerched out his arm and I grab on, pulling myself to my feet."Um T-thanks...Im Mei Reyukazaki-Hazuki." I say,my tan face darkening as I stare into his golden orbs,glistening brightly. "Im Kaoru Hitachiin, he says still smiling,revealing his dimple. My heart pounces faster than it ever had as I rack my brain for words to say. "It was nice to meet you Kaoru but if you'll excuse me I have to get to my locker." I say turning around to leave,but then I realized I have no idea where Im going.I turn back around,"Where are the lockers exactly?" I ask sheepishly.He chuckled and started walking, I followed closely behind, trying so hard not to make a fool out of myself...... again.As we pass through the maze of halls and corridors, envious stares bore holes in my head. Im sure if looks could kill, I be dead the moment id met him.Finally, we reach the lockers."They're ordered by last names so youd be in the 'h'section he says, scanning through the lockers. He stops pointing to one,"I believe this ones yours." He says "and it right next to mine"I thank him and open the locker and look at my class number,1A.I push my belongings into the locker, and rushed over to the class room. It seems that class hadn't started so I took a seat and opened a book. I only reached to the 16th page, and felt a light tap on my shoulder, look back and see Kaoru standing there with an exact look alike standing next to him, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. I didn't know you were in our class! I would've walked you here." He says grinning brightly. His look-alike probably got tired of us because he cleared his throat loudly ,causing Kaoru to  jump up in embarrassment. "Mei ,this is my twin brother Hikaru." Hikaru looked up and waved slightly, his smile was small but welcoming. His actions quickly reminded of my sister, and how much I missed her. I smile back, we started to talk about random things, laughing at funny things the other had said. We continued until the beginning of class.
It was the end of the school day and I had decided to go practice playing my instruments after school. I walk to the music rooms and open Music Room #2 doors, it was an empty room that was embedded in small white lace like detailing. At the far side stood a glass grand piano,its sheen almost catching me off guard.I opened my first instrument, the ukulele,tighting the strings and making sure that its the correct cords. When its finally perfect, I strum the strings. Then it hit me. The perfect song to play( press play below)

I continue playing for a few more minutes before alternating to my violin
(Choose which one ⬇️)

I continue playing for a few more minutes before alternating to my violin(Choose which one ⬇️)

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I take in a large breath,raise up my bow and start playing ( press play below)

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I take in a large breath,raise up my bow and start playing ( press play below)

(You dont have to watch all of it but its very beautiful and I'd advise you to)

As I'm about to finish, I hear the doors creak open, reveal the twins and a stranger who I could clearly make out, was a female,even if she was in a male's uniform."We didnt know u played the violin and..." Hikaru started " ....the ukulele too" Kaoru finishes, "You play really good!"they say in union. My face heats up, "Um thanks guys,I guess.....wait how did you find me? I ask "Well,you are aware that the rooms echo right?" Hikaru says, stepping on the tile flooring with his shoes,making the  room echo with the tap." Not to mention, your right across from the host club." Kaoru says pointing to the doors across the hall labeled Music Room #3. "Host...Club?" I inquire.In one second,flat the twins are by my side,arms interlocking with mine."I forgot, we never told her about the host club." one whispers to the other. " Well why dont we show her? " the other replies. "Guys... I think shes a little uncomfortable, let her go." the stranger pipes up. "Aww fine," they say letting me go. "Your no fun Haruhi.." They state dryly . I smile at her before mouthing a 'thank you' her way. She smiles and nods, " Just come across the hall when you're ready" she says but before she closed the door she said "I'm Haruhi Fujioka by the way" "Im Mei Reyukazaki-Hazuki! Nice to meet you !" I yell back. After she closed the door i started to pack up my instruments, placing everything back how it was, and running over to Music Room #3. I push open the door and rose petals fly straight into my face.A blinding white light seemed to follow it. When I finally opened my eyes,a group of boys (and Haruhi) stared directly at me all chanting two words. "Welcome Princess~"

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