M 3. Ginny Weasley x Ravenclaw!Malfoy!Reader

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I know I messed up (Ginny x Ravenclaw!Malfoy!Reader)

Friday Night

"I can't believe Y/N!" Fumed Ginny. "I mean I poured my heart out to him and all he says is 'thanks' and high fives me!"

"Ginny, ah maybe Y/N didn't know what to say." Suggested Hermione,"I mean Y/N is a Malfoy. He mustn't have been shown much genuine affection."

"Humf." Was the only response Hermione managed to get from the other girl.

Meanwhile in the Ravenclaw common room

"I am such an idiot." I mutter to Luna.

"Why what happened?" Asked Luna sounding dazed as always.

"I messed it up with Ginny. She told me I was her everything and I was just so dazed I couldn't think of what to say. I said 'thanks' and gave her a high five. I am such an idiot!"

"Come on Y/N, Ginny will understand. It's not your fault that you were raised with Draco for a brother. Lucius would be such a horrible father. Y/N it's not your fault that until you came to Hogwarts you had never really been outside the Manor." Luna tried to consul me. I smiled sadly at my best friend.

"I need to find Ginny. I need to make it up to her." I said trying to get up, but Luna pulled me back down.

"It's late, Y/N you need some sleep. Just give Ginny some time, go to her tomorrow. You two will have the weekend to make up." I nodded knowing Luna was right. I headed up to our dorm to get some sleep.

Saturday morning

I awoke early the next morning with only one thing on my mind, Ginny. I had to find Ginny. I got up quickly got dressed, and ran full spread out of my dorm, out of Ravenclaw common room, to the great hall. I looked around the entire hall trying to find the red head I loved so much, but she was not here.

I had a idea of where I could find her: the Quidditch pitch! Ginny loved to go there. Our first date was at the quidditch pitch. I ran back to my dorm to get my broom, I had a plan to show Ginny exactly how much she means to me. But first I had a riddle to answer from the Ravenclaw door.

"What came first: the Phoenix or the flame?" Asked the door.

"A circle hasn't a beginning." I answered quickly, running to get my Nimbus 2001. Hurrying to my balcony, and jumping on my broom.

I flew all the way across the school, from Ravenclaw tower to the Quidditch Pitch. That's when I saw her, first the red hair, then her beautiful figure bent low over her broom.

"Ginny!" I yelled, "Ginny wait! I need to talk to you!" She turned her broom to face me.

"What! What do you want now, Malfoy!" Her words echoed in my mind.

"I came to make amends. Ginny you just caught me by surprise yesterday. Gin please! Give me another chance? I know I messed up. I skewed up badly." I pleaded with her. I thought for just a second I saw her face soften.

"Why should I listen to you Malfoy." She spat my last name like it were poison, it sure felt like poison.

"Because no matter how idiotic I am I love you. Ginerva Weasley I love you with all my heart, I just didn't know how to say it. Please I love you Ginny." I spoke softly. She landed in the stands as if daring me to follow, and I did.

Standing up on my broom so my face was level with hers, Ginny looked me bang in the eyes. Our lips were hardly two inches apart, I leaned forward pressing my lips to hers. Her lips fit perfectly against mine, as she kissed back. Ginny's hands tangling themselves in my Y/L, Y/C hair, getting lost in the kiss. While my arms encircled her waist, pulling her into me. I had entirely forgot I was standing on my broom, unintentionally breaking the kiss by almost falling off of my broom.

"Gin, are we ok?" I asked a lite blush spreading over my Y/S/T cheeks.

"Of corse Babe." Ginny said smirking at her ability to make me blush.

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