Day, Dull, Dawn

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edited a bit please forgive me, this gradually gets better so please give it a try.

I glared towards the mist that had been covering the dull skies.

Time was passing quick, it was pretty normal after all.. this routine, I lost contact with everyone I used to care about, a sigh emitted from my mouth.

Deciding to go to the library wasn't a bad idea, it'd get my mind off things anyways, moving towards my coat and shoes, I unlocked the black coated door and locked it afterwards- the chilly air almost caused me to jump.

Cars sped past the lights, Dogs barking , Peoples feet clashed against the pavement, Cars beeping, I didn't realise the lights changed but I soon did as the beeping was heard loud and clear.

I started walking across getting to the other side, Walking down an alley for a short cut and to get away from people, wanting to get to the library quick.

Soon enough a view came noticeable, The library.


Time passed pretty quickly actually, I sighed getting up and proceeding to collect my things, until a recognisable face caught my eye.

It was my ex-boyfriend.

I thought, he hadn't noticed me. My legs walked down the library entrance stairs a tight grip was now stabbing my small hand.

God, it's my ex-boyfriend who had lost any contact with me for months, mostly because I didn't want to see his face after he cheated. A growl left my lips.

"(Y/n)...?", Thoughts was flooding him, confused and tired.

Your wolf didnt like him either, therefore she took control without you noticing and pushed him away, pushing him into the road.

A car.

Everything passed like a second.

My hands instinctively flew up towards my hair, [E/C] eyes wide with fear, Tears began to stroll down at the fact- the person lying motionless on the floor was my ex-boyfriend. The feeling of guilt, disgust and pain filtered any other attempting emotions. Cars quickly pulled to a stop and ran up to him in a panic, some even dialling 911.

Taking note of this, it'd be best to get on the run in a hurry before someone takes notice of me- Rushing towards the soon to be empty apartment, every thought was an complete mess.. why'd that have to happen? Why'd I push him?

Eventually reaching the nearby flat, my legs felt numb as they climbed up the stairs and towards the familiar looking door. Taking out the silver coloured keys and placing them in the lock, feeling way more safe and comfortable away from the world after opening the door and walking in, closing it behind me.

The sun shone brightly through the window before the clouds over took it, Waking up slowly I took in the events that happened recently and the unusual feeling of sinking in my heart, along with sore eyes from all the crying.

Groaning slightly, You got up and took a shower feeling your grogginess fade away after you got out, Getting a fresh batch of clothes you began getting changed and blow drying your (H/c) hair after.

"I'll get us some food..." You spoke to yourself, Hearing sounds from your stomach as an alert to get some food, Hesitating to open the door you kept thinking about yesterday night stopping you from opening the door.

Feeling the urge to open it, You did even though you never wanted to.

"(W/n) (Wolf/name is what it means) I... don't r-really wan-", Stopping yourself from speaking again, The sound from your stomach was heard again, Beginning to walk to a dull chippy nearby you felt (W/n) feel happy and ran into the chippy waiting for your turn to order something.

" I- Um... C-.. Cou-.... Could I get chicken- ... W-wings and some chips...?", (Y/n) spoke nervously, freezing a lot as the cashier wrote down your order and told you to go sit down.

Minutes pasted and hearing the sound of the cashieer, You walked forwards and took your order, Sitting down and beginning to eat it, Feeling (W/n)'s happiness you forgot about everything and focused on eating.


Walking out the shop, Not knowing where you were going, Just knowing you wanted to get out of this city fast.

"(W/n) We're leaving this city...- O-okay..?", Walking slowly as you stared around at your surroundings. Minutes felt like hours, Cars drove past as you kept thinking about your ex, Trying to think of something else you noticed a yellow car with black racing stripes pull up near the pavement as a guy with brown hair got out.

He began walking to the chippy and entered it, The car's door was still open, Debating whether you should close it or walk off, You ended up closing it and walked off as the brown haired guy got out the chippy and back into the car, after at least 5 seconds, the car began to follow me causing me to feel confused.

Feeling the urge of a whine you knew it was (W/n), She could feel your sadness and fear due to being connected.

"I'm sorry (W/n)... I'm really sorry... It's my fault you go through this pain..." Feeling a tug at your heart you held back your tears, Not realising a car was coming in front of you, (W/n) quickly alerted you and you dodged it by an inch.

Your heart pounding at nearly being ran over, You heard the sound of a car softly feeling as if it was following you, Thanks to (W/n)'s hearing, It made you hear better and sense better if she was more alert.

Walking into an alley and turning you felt the car following you still.

"A-am.... I.. being stalked...?", Your heart began pounding as your breathing intensified,

Quickly breaking into a run getting out the alley you ran fast, The urge to jump on all fours and to let (W/n) take over you and help you, But you didn't give in and kept running, You caught a quick glimpse of the car again which made you run even faster, feeling your feet hitting the ground and getting off it in seconds. It felt like a wild goose chase.

Finally out of stamina you hid and sat down where you were, Hearing the Camaro drive through the area You were at a dead end since there was no other way out, Getting up swiftly without thinking the Camaro stopped infront of you.

"P-please... D-don't..... kidnap... m-me...", You tried to shout but it ended up being a whisper, Seconds passed before you hear the sound of a car door opening and saw the brown haired guy from before.

"Chill. I'm not going to kidnap you or anything of that sort", He looked at you smiling softly. You didn't know him at all, You didn't want to either after events.

Seconds passed again, It felt like hours as you kept looking around silently, Fiddling in your spot and digging your nails into the palms of your skin.

"Sorry for following you, I didn't mean any harm", He spoke as he stood in place.

"Errr... I'm Sam Witwicky, Just call me Sam though", Sam tried to break the silence as you looked at him with your (E/c) eyes.

"....W-Wh...hat...", You spoke shyly freezing whilst talking, Looking at the ground froze in your spot.

" I urm, noticed you closed the door of my car for me... Thanks for doing that", He smiled at you again as you avoided eye contact.

"I-it's... F-fine...", You replied quietly feeling really uncomfortable with the situation you were in right now.

"Could you come with me to a cafe or something? I need to ask something.", Sam asked with a bit of a serious tone, You didn't even know this guy!

Nodding slightly since you were the type of girl to not say no, due to your anxiety.

WHEW! Okay guys, This is my first Bumblebee x reader book so it won't be the greatest but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm actually happy with this to be honest, Please correct me if theres any spelling mistakes of anything else of that sort bt thanks for reading!~

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