Chapter 10 - Giving Two Men A Chance At Happiness

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It is time for another update!!! I know, you're surprised...I don't believe I ever updated this fast before. I am going to try and update at least once a week throughout the summer. It might not always happen, but I am going to try. ................... Now, I bet you all are wondering what will happen next...and even if you have already guessed at what is going to happen next, I bet you're wondering how it will happen...well, read and find out...

Also...once again...I do not own Aladdin at all, I only own this story.



Warning! Warning! Warning! This chapter starts off with a sexy scene in the form of one wonderful wake up call, so read and enjoy or skip if you'd rather! Enjoy! ;) 


(Jasper's POV)

I woke up to soft kisses on my lips that then trailed over my cheek, along my jaw, then down my neck. Hands stroked over my shoulders and down my arms then over my chest. My eyes remained closed, just letting myself feel. I also realized that I was naked, sneaky Aladdin.

The hands stopped at my nipples then tweaked them, causing a small moan to slip past my lips. One hand seemed to leave one of my nipples but I gasped when a hot wet tongue replaced it. The tongue laved at my nipple then nipped it. The sting of pain was quickly replaced by pleasure that caused me to moan. Both of my nipples were getting loving attention as the now free hand stroked across my belly then down my leg, skipping past the one place that now desperately wanted attention.

My hands came up and threaded themselves into Aladdin's hair as he then switched nipples and the wandering hand came back up to play with the now tongueless nipple, however, the other hand stroked down my other leg, teasing and taunting but never touching my aching need.

Aladdin teased me like this until I was almost mad with need. But, finally, his hands and mouth began to trail downwards with teasing strokes and soft lingering kisses with the occasional nip.

Finally! Soft lips brushed against my aching need as fingertips stroked lightly up and down. He teased me like this until my fingers tightened in his hair. I think I heard him moan softly but I quickly forgot that as a hot wet mouth covered the tip of my need.

Strong and sure hands wrapped around my need as the hot mouth engulfed me further. I let out a long slow moan as the pleasure spread further and further through me with every inch that was taken in my Aladdin's talented mouth.  Then Aladdin was done teasing, realizing I was about to break if more did not happen. His mouth and hands moved together until I was floating in a sea of pleasure. Nothing else mattered but that pleasure and what was being done to cause it.

I never wanted it to stop but the tension built and built until I had to come or I would shatter...but I shattered anyway, with a long, loud, pleasure filled cry, my hands tightening in Aladdin's hair, and my eyes finally shooting open, as I shot my release deep into Aladdin's mouth.

Aladdin swallowed it all then brought me back to the earth gently, ending it by softly licking my length until I flinched away from the sensitivity. Aladdin moved up until he came into my view, smiling quite widely but lovingly. He leaned down and gently kissed me. I could taste my release on his mouth but I did not mind. 


Sexy part over! If you read it, I certainly hope you enjoyed it. If you did not, please enjoy the rest! :)  

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