act 1 - seperation

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Buzz johnson woke up on what he believed to be a normal Monday morning. He got up made his coffee and went through the rest of his morning routine. once he got to work he had some strange deliveries to neighbor hodds he had never heard of.He had been in the delivery buisness for over 10 years and he knew the ins and outs of all of his part of arizona. He asked people around his work whether they knew any place with that address and everyone laughed and said it wasn't real. Buzz had a starnge feeling that there was another reason drawing him to the home other than a work assignment. He hoppedin his truck and did his regular deliverys and on his way back to work still with the unknown package he saw a couple of shack looking homes on top of ahill which he had never seen before. each of them had and address of four numbers written in large black sharpie. one of the houses had 4587 written on it which happened to match one of the address's on one of the boxes so he re read the address written on the box and it said "4587 hilltop walk" which made alot click. He grabbed the odd package whick was badly wrapped in a brown bag and went to knock on the shack door. He knocked three times loud and waited for a while when finalyy the door slowy creaked just enough for and old wrinkly hand to reach for the packaage and take it. But thats not all that was taken back into the house before Buzz could release the package he was in the home to.

Buzz was very flustered after he gained awareness if his surroundings. He had to adjust his eyes to the dim light and then out of the one other room in the whole place came an old man. The old man was very well built for his age but still looked very weary from age. Buzz got a little defensive and screamed "What do you want". The old man kind of laughed at the frightened man. He said "you are the chosen one, it has taken me forever to find you. Still confused Buzz asked "What have I been chosen for and what is your name?" The old man was named Cronos and he was the father of Zeus. Cronos said "I was over thrown by my son Zeus and many belive I had died but no I am surly alive and I am going to get revenge". You are the man who ha been chosen to go to mount Olympus and kill Zeus. Buzz understood the importance and said " I understand and will you please take me to where I need to go to get there?". Cronos and Buzz took a ride to the top of the Empire State Building and then after Cronos said the words he sprinted away and yelled "good luck". Buzz who was very scared dove into the black home which had just formed and was warped onto Mount Olympus with one goal on his mind. Payback.

Word # 522

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