chapter preview

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Ben held your hand tightly as the two of you walked into the massive entryway.

You still can't get over the fact that his dad has several paintings of what he used to look like hanging around.

You gulped loudly enough for Ben to hear. "Listen, yn." Ben turned you so that you were face to face.

"I don't care what he says about you or your father. My mom has already got it past her mind that your nothing like your dad." That made you wrap your arms around him and hug him.

"I know that but it still worries me." You said. "I'll try my best not to so fear."..........

In that note, Staff came and led you to the massive dining hall. It was just as big as Ben told you.

Inside you could hear faint aruging between Belle and Adam.
".....comfortable eating with the son of my sworn enemy. You remember what his father tried to do to me?"

"Adam, h e s nothing like his father." Belle said in your defense. "At Least get through this dinner with him....  For Ben's sake. "

Adam sighed in defeat. "I guess so."

You walked over to the table and sat next to Ben.  His parents sat across from you. You could see the anger and distrust in Adam's  eyes.

how can you love me? Ben x male reader. (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now