After we finished we went up stairs Ross asked"Why were y'all down there?" He. Raised his eye brow at me. I hate it when he does that. Laura answered"We were watching a movie." Ross looked at us for a min and said"What movie?" I looked at him scared and said"Frozen." Ross smirked and said"So if I go look in the DVD player frozen is gonna be in there." Laura answered really quickly. And said"You think we are lying. Don't you?" "You answered a little quick Laura didn't you?" "Lets make bet then." I looked at Laura with a freaked out look.
This is hilarious. I feel bad for Lauren tho. The poor thing is freaking out. I know what I'm doing. Ross smirked at me and said" Your little plan would have worked but sadly we don't have Frozen." I looked at him and smirked. "Nice try Lynch but when we went shopping today we actually got the movie." "If I look down there and it's not in there Lauren's has to to have a make out session with me." Lauren's gonna kill me for this. I looked over at her. She looks like she's trying to plan my death. I looked at Ross and said"Fine but if we win you have to do what ever we want for a week." Ross smirked and said" You got your self a deal."They shook hands. We walked down stairs and Ross looked in the DVD player. Ross's cocky smirk went to a disappointed look.
I can't believe Laura right now. It looks like am having my first make out with Ross. We walked down stairs. Ross opened the DVD player. Ross looked really disappointed. Laura laughed and said"Told you." I started bursting out laughing. Ross looked at me and smirked. He started walking towards me and said" So you think this is funny." He lunged toward me. I looked at him and said"You can't tickle me." He looked me disappointed. Then he started smirking. "Don't worry Lauren I will get you back in a week." I looked him and said"Oh really?" He smirked and said"Yup." "Guys come here I need to show y'all something." Riker yelled. We walked up stairs. Riker was watching something on YouTube.
FanfictionWhat happens when the lynchs kidnap Lauren and Laura read and find out