Moving to Paris!

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Thanks to Fifipie2000 for helping me with the cover of this book now on with the story.

(Y/n pov)
I'm packing up my stuff to get on the plane that will take my mom and I to Paris France my mom got a better job in Paris which just means I'm going to see her less. I don't really see her that often because she's always working and now that shes going to get a better job I'm not even going to see her at all. "Hey are you ready (y/n)" My mom asked from downstairs "yes mom" I said and walked down stairs.
*after car ride to ariport*
My mom checked in and we went to our gate and waited for our plane "plane number 150 already boarding to Hawaii" some girl on the intercom said "this is going to take a while" I thought "plane number 188 already boarding to France"
"Thats our plane let's go!" my mom yelled "you're such a drama queen" I whispered to myself "I heard that now shut up and let's go" my mom said. We went to security check and got on the plane I was a little scared but once I got on the plane all I could think about was sleep once everyone got on the plane we took off "get comfy" my mom said "because this is going to take a long time" my mom told me and put her headphones on and fell asleep I sighed and looked out the window "I can't wait to see Fifi at her bakery she has one of the best bakeries in France 'Rose Bakery'" I thought and drifted off to sleep.
*10 hours and 49 minutes later*
We landed at Paris "FINALLY" I thought, my mom and I left the airport and got a taxi and we made it to the the new house I got out of the taxi and looked at the house while my mom paid the taxi guy it was white on the outside and noticed there was a balcony when my mom walked next to me "the house is pretty right (y/n)" my mom said and looked at the house I'm getting the room with the balcony" I told my mom she laughed "ok honey you can take the room with the balcony" I smiled and walked inside and the inside of the house was (2f/c) I went upstairs and saw like 4 doors I ignored them and went inside the room that had the balcony the room was just plain and white I didn't like it the way it was so I went downstairs "mom can I have my room painted" I asked my mom "of course we can what color would you want it?" my mom asked "I want it (f/c)" I told my mom she smiled "ok I'll call someone to paint your room but it might take a while since I don't really know Paris" she said "mom you can call Fifi she's been living here for a long time you can ask her" I said excitedly "good idea (y/n) I'll do that after I finish unpacking" she said and patted my head "thanks mom" I kissed her cheek and went upstairs to my room and opend the clear doors to get to the balcony I stood on the balcony I could see everything from up here all the buildings and even the Eiffel Tower it was so beautiful I could feel the wind hitting my face and blowing on my (h/l) (h/c) hair then I saw what appeared to be a blonde dude with a black suit and cat ears jumping on top of the buildings I stared at him until he was too far away and I couldn't see me anymore "good thing he didn't see me or else he would've thought I was a creep or something" I thought to myself "(y/n)! Help me unpack" I heard my mom scream from downstairs I closed the glass doors and went downstairs to help her
*time skip after hours of unpacking and fixing up my room*
"(Y/n) let's stop unpacking and I'll make something to eat" my mom said tired "thanks mom but I'm not hungry plus its late and I have school tomorrow" I told my mom "oh ok then good night honey" my mom said and sat down on the couch "good night mom" I said and went up stairs I went to my bathroom and took a shower and put on my pjs I opened the glass doors and walked on the balcony again and I just stared at the Eiffel tower after a few seconds I went back inside and closed the glass doors and went to sleep.
*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I woke up to the sound of the stupid alarm clock I turned it off I got out of bed and went to my bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth and I put on (whatever you want to wear) got my backpack and went downstairs and saw a letter from my mom on the table it said:
"Have a great first day of school don't be scared you'll do great
           - Love mom"
I took the note with me for good luck left my house and started walking to school as I'm walking to school some guy with blonde hair and beautiful green eyes starts talking to me
"Hi my name is Adrien Agreste you're not from here are you?" He askes "hello my name is (y/n) (l/n) and no I'm not from here I'm from California" I told him trying not to be nervous since I'm not good with people "wowwww thats far away when did you move here?" he askes sounding curious "I just moved here yesterday I'm pretty scared about going to a new school" I say and he laughs "there's no reason to be scared you're going to fit in just right trust me you'll make friends easily like right now you just made a friend" he smiles "thanks Adrien I hope we become best friends" I smile back at him and we arrive at the school.

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