The end!!

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(Gn Pov)
My dad and I walk to my room, my dad unties (y/n) from the chair and carries her to his secret room "(y/n) what are you doing here?" Her mom asks confused "mom?" (Y/n) replies also confused. My dad throws (y/n) inside and she falls next to her mom "what are you going to do with us?" (Y/n) mom asks "you're coming with us to England" my dad replies in a serious tone and closes the door.
(Y/n Pov)
"What are you doing here?" My mom asks concerned and I tell her everything with tears in my eyes minutes later "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you.... I was too focused on Axel that I forgot what's really important to me and that's you" she says also with tears in her eyes I hug her but she can't hug me back because she's tied from her hands and feet.
(Adrien's Pov)
It's been 4 days since (y/n) went missing and everyday I've been going to her house hoping to find something that can give me a clue as to where she can be but everything is the same in her house but I'm not giving up.
(Axel's Pov)
I open the door to my secret room and I see (y/n) and her mom sleeping "hey wake up!" I yell it makes them jump in fear "what? What happened?" (Y/n) asks looking at me "you're going back to your house to get you and your mom's passports and don't you dare run off cause your mom is staying here until you come back and don't try to call the police or your mom pays for it now go hurry up" I say in a serious tone and she quickly gets up and leaves. 
(Y/n Pov)
I quickly leave the mansion and start walking to my house as I'm walking I start to think about Adrien "I wonder if he even knows that I've been gone I mean he has to know right...I miss him and I also miss Fifi" I think to myself after a long walk I finally make it to my house and I run inside I go to my mom's room first and start to look for her passport "man where could it be?" I whisper trying to find my mom's passport suddenly I hear a noise I peek from my mom's bedroom door but I don't see anything "probably just my imagination" I think and keep looking after a few minutes I finally find it and I leave her room and walk upstairs to my room I see that the door to my room is still the same and I walk in my room I freeze in fear when I see someone standing in my room after a few seconds I calm down and I notice that the person is "Adrien?" I say confused and the person turns around "(y/n)" Adrien yells in excitement. I run to him and hug him, he hugs me back after some time we stop "where have you been?" Adrien asks me with a worried look on his face "I can't tell you" I reply with a sad tone "please tell me...I know that something is wrong" he insists "why do you have a passport in your hand?" He asks "ok I'll tell you" I say and tell him everything.
(Adrien's Pov)
After she tells me everything I just can't believe it "DAMNIT I'LL KILL HIM!" I yell in anger "Adrien calm down" she says in a clam voice "how do you expect me to calm down when the person I love the most is going to be taken away from me but I won't let that happen I have a plan give me the address of (gn) house and the airport" I say a bit calmer and she gives me the addresses "what are you going to do" she asks concerned "don't worry about it...all you need to know is that you're staying here I'm not going to let them get away with this. Now go before they get suspicious" I say and she turns around about to leave "aren't you forgetting something" I say and point to my lips she laughs and gives me a quick kiss and she leaves.
"Plagg claws out"
(Adrien's Pov)
I arrive at the police station as Cat Noir "hey Cat Noir what can I do for you" a police officer walks up to me and asks and I tell them everything that (y/n) told me "when are they leaving?" The office asks "tomorrow" I reply "what time?" He asks "I don't know I only know that it's early in the morning" I answer "very well we'll get there as early as we can" the officer replies.
(Y/n Pov)
"Hurry up! Let's go we are leaving a little earlier then planned!" I hear Axel yelling as (gn) gets us out of the room. 
(Adrien's Pov)
I sneakily follow the police car as Cat Noir and I see that the cops park in front of (gn) house but it's empty and the police car speeds off to the airport and I follow them, after what seems like forever we finally make it to the airport. One officer stays outside and tells everyone not to move and the other goes inside and I follow that one inside. He goes up to some girl that works here and tells her everything and suddenly all the flights are cancelled and nobody is allowed to leave I start to look for (y/n) so does the officer and security guards finally after searching for about 15 minutes the officer finds (y/n) and her mom Axel and everyone with him get arrested. Axel tries to run but I run after him and catch him. (Y/n) and her mom are taken for questioning and they do an investigation on him
(Y/n Pov)
"So apparently Axel is sentenced to do time in prison here and also in England cause in England he's accused of abuse and fraud. (Gn) is returning with his mom and so are all his maids and they are all going to get help for everything that they've been through especially (gn) since this isn't the first time he's abused his girlfriends" I explain everything that's going to happen to Axel "I can't believe Axel even abused his maids" Fifi says "and I can't believe that you went through all this" Adrien says in a sad tone "but I'm fine now thanks to you" I say and kiss Adrien's cheek "I know I haven't properly asked so I'm going to you want to be my girlfriend?" Adrien says in happy tone "I thought I was already your girlfriend but yes" I say and kiss him "you know I'm still here" Fifi says and we all laugh "I love you (y/n)" Adrien says "I love you too" I say back.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!! Sorry if this chapter is long

- love Leafysenpaii 🖤🖤

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