Chapter Two

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I sat in the dining hall, barely eating the meal in front of me.

"Yah. Everything okay?" Yoongi asked from opposite me. I looked up, forcing a smile to my face, he sighed quietly. "That's forced. Don't try kidding me. What's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing."

He sighed again, looking at me with sympathy before continuing to eat.

Hoseok walked in, looking significantly better than he did before I saw him. He looked more full.

"Hoseok!" Jin called waving him over. The only seat left was next to me-

"Bastard." I muttered quietly sipping at the water in front of me. Yoongi sniggered.

"Hey guys..." Hoseok awkwardly greeted sitting down.

"Hoseok are you going to become a general again?" Jinyoung asked and I sat there staring at a fixed spot behind Yoongi, zoning out.

Something didn't seem right. People a little further down the hall seemed agitated- then a white light covered the window.

"Everybody get down!" I yelled launching out of my seat and being at that end of the hall within a matter of seconds. I spread my wings as far as they could go and drew my sword. Then I saw a white capsule on the floor beeping.

A bomb.

"Evacuate this room!" I yelled quickly, my brain going through a million different scenarios a second before I realised I'm the only one who could not be killed by this.

"So Yi!" Hoseok yelled and the beep seemed to last longer than the usual ones and I let my body move of its own accord. I scooped up the capsule and burst out the window, flying as high as I could outside the building.

My wings took me faster than they ever had before, and soon I was on level with the platform. I held the capsule to my chest as the prolonged beep stopped. White light spread from it and a large bang filled my ears. Everywhere ached.

They had sent a bomb.

"So Yi!" Hoseok was yelling again. I blinked a few times as the white light faded. I was covered in small scratches and I was now falling. I yelped in pain when I tried moving my wings.

Those fuckers knew.

I heard wings nearby and I saw Hoseok. His arms reached out to grab me.

I guess this once I'd have to swallow my pride. I allowed him to grasp ahold of me. His arms gentle yet strong.

"Why did you sacrifice yourself like that?" He whispered as we flew.

"I'm the only one that wouldn't be killed by it." I spoke quietly.

He kept quiet, he knew it was true. When we landed Jin ran over, panic on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked as Hoseok stood me up again. I nodded.

"My wings are a bit fucked but they'll heal." I smiled softly.

"Thank you for saving us General So Yi." A few demons grinned looking at me. I smiled softly.

"It's no... problem." I went lightheaded and everything faded into blackness.

Blood Bound // BTS AU SEQUEL TO SCORCHED WINGS //Where stories live. Discover now