Detention With Snape

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Jack's POV

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask my uncle after I enter the potions room for detention.

"First you'll sweep and mop the floors, then do a stock intake on the ingredients in the supply closet. Without magic" he tells me not looking up from the work he was marking.

"Can't I just do homework?" I ask.

"Because you jinxed someone from my house and his father, an acquaintance of mine is upset" he states. "I could have you scrub the cauldrons and clean the tables also without magic" he adds.

"Fine, where's the mop, bucket, pan and broom?" I ask him. Snape waves his wand and they appear from thin air. I roll my eyes and start sweeping the floor humming to myself.

"So why did you jinx Draco?" he asks.

"He called Hermione a mudblood" I tell him annoyed. "I was going to curse him, but decided a jinx was a better warning fro him to never do it again" I explain shrugging. "Or maybe I'll hex him next time" I say wistfully.

"You'll only be caught and receive detention again" Snape states.

"But Draco started it, why can't he be punished also?" I ask annoyed as I stop sweeping to look at my godfather.

"Because his father is a school governor and the worst he'll get after what happened last year. Is to write lines" Snape states putting his quill done. "I am proud you stood up for your friend, but I would of thought after living with me. You'd of learned not to get caught" he says.

"I won't be next time" I assure him and go back to sweeping as he chuckles. Once I swept everything until a pail and put it in the pan. I put it in the bin before I started to mop the floor humming again. After that I go into the supply closet with a list of the ingredients that are suppose to be there. By now Snape had finished his grading and was preparing a surprise quiz for his O. W. L students.

As I mark off the ingredients I notice we're running low on some things and were out of two ingredients. So I wrote them down on the order form and how much Snape usually orders. Before leaving the supply room and head over to him. "We're low on dragons blood and aconite. And out of Boomslang skin and Dittany" I tell him.

"Did you fill out an order form?" he asks.

"Yes Uncle, here you go and fill free to add the things I missed" I tell him.

"It all seems to be in order, just need to fill out the account details" he tells me. "You still have an hour, do your homework" he adds looking at the clock. I groan but got out my books and do my essay for Herebology.

"So how are the new first years?" I ask him casually.

"Completely insufferable" he states and I giggle. "You are doing well in your other subjects, I take it?" he asks.

"Yes, Hermione is helping me in History and Neville helps me occasionally in herebology. He's great at that subject" I tell him and he grumbles. "I despise Lockhart, he is so annoying" I add.

"Yes he is, I heard a rumor you and Potter were doing autographs" he states.

"Not true, a first year wanted a photo with Harry and I. Then Lockhart appears handing the camera to Ron. Saying to take a picture of the four of us and that we'd sign the photo" I explain.

"What was your first lesson like with him?" Snape asks.

"Horrible, he had us do a quiz on him. There were no questions about defense against the dark arts. Then released a patch of Cornish pixies, which Hermione and I dealt with. While the rest of the class ran from the room and Harry got Neville down from the chandelier with Ron's help" I explain. "He's absolutely hopeless as a teacher, I wish you'd got the position or Uncle Remus" I tell him.

"Just make sure you pass the class and I'll teach you proper defense" Snape tells me.

"Thanks Uncle, I'll have Hermione help me" I assure him. "There, I'm done" I say putting my quill down.

"Then you may go and go straight to you common room, it's past your curfew" he tells me. Before giving me a note and I leave with my bag. I did as he told me and was heading straight to my dorm when I see Harry.

"Got'cha!" I shout and he jumps a foot in the air while I laugh.

"Don't do that Jack" he tells me annoyed. "How was your detention?" he asks as we continue on our way to Gryffindor tower.

"Boring, how was yours?" I ask.

"Boring, until..." he says trailing off.

"Until?" I ask.

"I heard this hissing voice, but Lockhart claimed not to hear it" he tells me.

"Weird, just forget it and if it happens again tell me" I tell him. "Ot was probably a delusion from your boredom of answering Lockhart's fan mail" I assure him.

"Yeah, you're probably right" he tells me.

"Pig snout" I tell the Fat Lady and she lets us in. We see Ron and Hermione waiting for us by the fire. Once we were sat, Ron and Harry shared their story of their separate detentions. I then shared mine before we all called it a night.


Picture above of Professor Severus Snape.

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