Chapter 5~:Shocks

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             The pain was unbearable. I saw a sort of montage of images that killed me. I saw the deaths of everyone I know about.  In the first I saw Dan in the hospital alone with graying hair, a slightlywrinkled face and  a terrible gunshot wound. I noticed that his eyes started to droop and the heartrate monitor was close to flatlining,I screamed at him not to give up  and that he'll be okay. But I knew it was no use. Dan was gone. The image swirled and morphed into a new surrounding.

                         The image turned into a room I've never seen before full of people I don't know. There was a handsome man with blonde hair wearing a blue suit with a silver star on it and I noticed a big shield of some sort, painted red white and blue. He seemed somewhat familiar. On his right was a man with Black hair and a weird goatee.  He was inside of a metal... body with a light glowing in the middle if the chest.  On the right of the metal guy was a man in a dress shirt and slacks with glasses. He had brown hair with a little bit of grey. He seemed pretty chill. Next to him was a humongous dude with long blonde hair and a hammer. Then there was a beautiful red head wearing all Black and she had a bit of attitude but I like it. Standing next to her was a man with dirty blonde hair and a bow with a quiver full of arrows. I hadn't noticed what they were looking at until I saw it. An older looking Laurie was in her silk spectre suit and was holding a hand gun pointed at ... me! Other me had my scythe but I didn't have my suit on. I was wearing a light blue baby doll dress with a white cardigan and white low tops. I slashed and cut with my scythe as she talked and yelled things I couldn't  hear because the sound was muffled as if she was trying to talk through wool. Other me had tears streaming down her face and she slashed Laurie across the stomach. DEEP. As Laurie held her stomach she pointed the hand gun at me and shot Me just below the bellybutton. I noticed that the metal man had to hold the blue guy back but failed and the blue guy ran towards me as I fell. I laid there in his arms and turned to look at Laurie. I held my hand up and pointed to her and she split in half at the waist. The scenery shifted and swirled once more.

               The scene changed into my father's office. No, I can't bear to watch my father die, but I was held in place without the ability to move. He didn't look any different than he did now. The only difference was the large bags under his eyes and the discoloration of his face. He looked pale and skinny, like he hasn't eaten in days. He started to cry and the only words I could make out were ,"Angel. I'm so sorry" he said as he lifted the gun into hi mouth and slowly pulled the trigger.Boom. I screamed in pain as an electric shock pulsed into my heart. The world went Black and cold. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again everything was white.

              I was in Antarctica.  Karnak to be exact. The site of my fathers lab was quite familiar to me. I smiled at the thought of cuddling with Bubastis.  I was standing in sight of the large back entrance when a familiar form stormed out. Rorschach walked out just as uncle Jon teleported out to meet him. The talked and I couldn't understand. But something happened that I never thought I would see. Rorschach took off his mask. He had hair that looked like fire and he had cuts and bruises all over. But he had piercing blue eyes. They were beautiful. His body language and mouth made it look like he was yelling. Uncle Jon lifted his hand and everything went into slow motion. It started in Rorschach's chest and ripped it apart and went to his head and legs and he exploded.gone. I went numb and I couldn't breathe. The world began to swirl one more time and I closed my eyes again.

           I awoke on Dan's couch with Rorschach watching me. Once my eyes were open I lunged at him with a hug. I don't know how long I stood there but I wanted it to last forever. The Electric shocks were gone. All that was left were the visions.

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