7. Dye my hair

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'*'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

MORNING came rushing in quicker than expected. the sun instantly greeted both males that are tucked in the small bed for one person, legs entangled with each other and arms wrapped around their bodies. taehyung was the first one to wake up, the light hitting his face disturbing his peaceful slumber. the smell of lemons is what welcomed his nose once he opened his eyes, lips turning into a smile as he hugged the smaller boy tighter.

his quiet snores can be the only thing heard because of the silence engulfing the room. taehyung for once, enjoyed the quietness. knowing taehyung, he's the type of person to hype things around him.

whenever they go hang out with their friends and they don't have anything else to do, he's the one to light things up. whenever his room is too silent for his liking, he's the one who grabs his speakers to blast music all over the house. making sure that everything is fun. everything is okay.

his smile disappeared.

i'm dying, hyung

those three words won't stop echoing inside his head. that sweet voice he wants to hear everyday, for once, he wants to shut it up. he doesn't want to remind himself any further that the person he cares for the most is going away. forever.

he won't see it coming. he didn't see any of this coming.

that jungkook will leave him. for good. once his time is up, there will no longer be everyday movie marathons. there will no longer be any bucket list checking. no more lemon scented hair every morning or sweet good nights before sleeping. there will no longer be any jungkook keeping taehyung company. keeping taehyung happy.

salty tears are forcing its way down his eyes, chest heaving up and down as small hiccups erupt from his mouth while he tries his best to keep himself from crying. biting his lip, he muffles out his silent cries. taehyung doesn't want to disturb his precious jungkook's sleep.

"it's okay to cry too sometimes." the voice below him said, as soon as he heard it, taehyung's strong arms enveloped jungkook tighter. his tears strolled down his cheeks without stopping while he feels his chest get tighter as the seconds pass. the younger clenched his shirt, whispering sweet nothings to the brunette that is now a sobbing mess.

taehyung is also human. he also has emotions. no matter how big his smile is everyday or how loud his laugh is, he is still a human being that gets hurt. even though he looks strong on the outside, his inside is soft. especially when it comes to jungkook.

sure, the brown haired boy is always the one to do things for the little curios one. he is always the one to make him stop crying. to make him feel better. but sometimes, taehyung also needs someone to do that to him. he is a human being after all. and jungkook knows that.

"please don't leave me." and this time, it's jungkook's turn to make himself not cry. the tears that are in the edge of his eyes are so close to falling and the snot in his nose are begging to come out.

THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I GO | TAEGGUKWhere stories live. Discover now