C.V x B.S

83 1 0

Verkwan: Love Is Immortal
Concept: World Against Us

Singing is Seungkwan's passion. Someday he wants to be the greatest singer in South Korea but luck is not on his side.

As of now he is stuck in this college campus being forced by his parents to take business management instead of performing arts.

He was forced to wear those high class clothes everyday instead of casual cheap clothing that was more comfortable.

His day are always set. Go to school, home, homeworks, night class. In the weekends there would always be an instrument class where he have to spend 6 hours a day.

The life he was given has no freedom. Everything was planned by his parents. He's like a machine performing such and absorbing knowledge of what was only told to him.

And he despises it.

In fact, he almost went to the point of loathing his own parents. Even yhe choice of being friends with someone are restricted.

He was happy when he was a child where he thought it was just his parents being caring to him but as he grow up he started to realize everything. He was just a robot for them. A robot that carries high expectations on his back like he is carrying the whole galaxy.

"I'm Vernon Hansol Chwe" a boy that obviously didn't came from Korea was standing right in front of class.

"Please take care of me" he said and bowed 90°.

"Okay take a seat beside.... Soonyoung. Soonyoung please raise your hand."

Seungkwan just stared at the man walking towards his friend who's raising his hand crazily, waving it like a lunatic.

Their professor just let out a deep high and did not bother himself about the crazy boy.

Vernon let out a small smile to his new seatmate. He knew someone is staring at him, burning holes on his back.

He sat on his assigned chair and look at the one.

He has this chubby cheeks and cute personality which he guessed only.

Only if he knows.

They stared back at each other until Seungkwan broke it and return to listen to the teacher in front. Vernon shrugs and also started to listen.

It was lunch time and Vernon has no one to sit with, Hoshi left him running like a lunatic to his friends he doesn't care about.

He walked inside the cafe and bought a cheese cake and two small cartons of strawberry juice. He took the seat on the corner far away from the students isolating himself. He grabbed his headphones and started to play some Paramore music (a/n: low key promotes "Fake Happy").

He was in deep focus with his food when he realized someone is already sitting right in front of him.

His movements suddenly halt when he saw Seungkwan sitting right in front of him, eating his own blueberry cheese cake without minding anyone.

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