Prologue: That's Just Life...

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I guess it has always been like this...
You and I sitting somewhere in the city, talking about life and it's surprises. Talking about what will our next step be and where we will go after this...

"It's just that this time, I may have nowhere to go" - Noah said.

Wyatt looked down the moment Noah said those words, he was right there with him, in the isolation of a hospital room, and still even if it was a fucking hospital room he was with him. There was no place where he rather be but by Noah's side.

He perfectly knew the state in which Noah was found but still he believed in the both of them, he believed in their love. Five years by his side and it all was falling apart. Of course! Noah wasn't the same funny guy who enjoyed the sound of his guitar anymore... "Now it's a melancholic nightmare" As he used to say.

But still Wyatt wasn't giving a shit about the place because the fact that he was with Noah always made him happy. He was holding on to the words: "Maybe tomorrow, things will get better"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you overthink..." - Said Noah after reaching out for Wyatt's hand.

"I wasn't" - Wyatt replied.

"You don't fool me, I know you..."

With a weak but sincere smile Wyatt held Noah's hand and said: "How is your mom doing?" "You know with all of this?"

"That crazy old ass lady it's taking things better than I thought. I mean yeah, she's doing everything she can for me and now with the upcoming surgery well..."

"Wait, a - another surgery?" - Asked Wyatt with eyes wide open and letting go of Noah's hand.

"Look, my doctor just told me about it... It's a simple surgery, I'll be fine..."

"You could've told me..."

"I just did... Enough of me! What about you? What you've been up to?" - Asked Noah trying to light up the tension.

"Well, I applied for a photography studio, near my apartment. I'm waiting for them to call me."

"I'm glad that you finally decided to follow one of your passions"

"Yeah well, it's not official...Not until they evaluate my portfolio."

"I'm pretty sure you'll make it" - Said Noah with a smile.

Wyatt touched Noah's cheeks gently, and even if he was showing the best of him...He was collapsing in the inside, seeing Noah with tired eyes, pale skin and a weak body was mentally killing him. His hair was also starting to fall, his beautiful caramel hair, and the brightness on his big hazel eyes were fading away.

And here comes Wyatt again, overthinking the things he couldn't undo. Trying to understand the reason, trying to convince himself that things will get back to how they use to be in a few months, constantly reapeating "Maybe tomorrow, things will get better. It was hard, but he was strong enough to move on.

"You're doing it again, don't you?" - Said Noah while staring at Wyatt's eyes.

But this time, Wyatt couldn't say a word...The thoughts were consuming him and he was trying to hide it but Noah knew him so damn well so it was pointless...And if he was strong enough to move on, so did Noah could.

"You should have college tomorrow right? " - Asked Noah.

"I do" - Said Wyatt as he stood up of the chair next to Noah's bed.

"I will pass by tomorrow at night if I can, I have to take my portfolio to the studio and they're going to interview me soo..."

"Then come another day...When you really get some free time, don't feel like it's obligatory to come every day." - Said Noah as he looked down, trying to ignore the way Wyatt was acting.

"I still want to come."

"I know, but...You also have a life out there...Don't stop living because of me."

"I - i will call you ok? - Said Wyatt after grabbing his phone and keys from the table next to the window.

And just like that he left the room, leaving Noah more empty than he already was... It was no game, but the cruellest saddest truth, Noah was dying...So were his motives and reasons to keep fighting. And just like that he left...Once again, with nothing to say.

Life do can change from a moment to another in unexpected ways, you'll never be sure if tomorrow life will get much better or if in a blink of an eye it'll surprise you...

And just because it's called a surprise doesn't mean that it's going to be good, but maybe...That's just life...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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