.•* Chapter 2 .•*

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It's MEE again :3

I'm sorry I didn't post in a while,
Posting is hard work (for lazy little leaves like me)

And this week there were so many finals in school UGH please shoot me!!

Anyways HERE WE GO
(Pretend that's in Mario's voice, it'll sound Better)


.•*Chapter 2.•*

*•Sally's P.O.V•*

I ran across the apartment to hear my phone blasting the chicken dance song wondering
"Who did this?" of course Catherine.

And noticing Cathy put that has my ringtone UGH. so much work.

I gladly answered the call noticing it was my old friend Ashley Costello.

Hi she said Surprised I even picked up my phone

Hi, you called me? I said astonished because we haven't talked in about year.

Yea, I'm coming to town in a couple days ......

Andd I said cutting her off.
" What's going on señorita?"

.... And all could hear is her talking about how she is coming to town and wanting to take us to dinner with another band called Motionless in white.

Well.....I said really unsure of my plans with Cathy on Friday.

YOLO AM I RIGHT!??! sure hell no I'm not passing out on going to dinner somewhere and socializing.

Okay then I'll meet you at 6:30 BYEEEEEE bitchhhhh. With my classic goodbye and hanging up.

Heyyyy GURLL! yelling to see if Cathy will respond.

WAZZZUPP GURLL? yelling back

On Friday were going to Ashley costellos party, is that okie.

Sure why not. she said very calmly

*•Catherine's P.O.V•*

"Sure why not"

Good because it's on Friday so that means we get to go shopping Sally singing it like Snow White.

UGHHH! BUT that means I'm going to have to get ready!!!

^•^• Few hours later•^•^

So are you ready yet? saying unsurely.

We decided that we would go shopping now instead of later.

We started to try on band shirts and jeans then some dresses for the event.


So much. I'm gonna die of fabulousness.

as soon as we came out of hot topic. we found these 2 guys starring at us and one of them looked really familiar.

Have I seen him before? I asked Sally

"No I don't think so"

"Well lady Cathy I'm going to introduce our selves to see gentleman" she says grabbing my arm and dragging me along with her.

"hi I was just standing over there and I was wondering have we meet before because you look really familiar" I said mumbling under my breath.

"Maybe you have, were from a band called motionless in white."
Chris says

" Oh and by the way my names chris and This ricky"

Ricky I've had a friend named ricky? right?

I'm sure.

"Are you okay there" ricky says

Yea yea I'm just thinking.

Well?!? wait did you say motionless in white??

"Yea why?" Chris says confused and looking like a lost Kitty

(pussy xD ignore my terrible
jokes )

Next week were coming to your concert! I say somewhat chill and excited.

And what your name sweetie???Chris says

Oh Catherine Rose

*•Ricky's P.o.V•*

Catherine rose , Catherine rose, Catherine rose.

That sounds familiar!!
Were could I have see her before?
Where could I have heard that name???

After talking to Cathy and Sally for a while I GOT IT.

"Hey Cathy, I think we've met before and I'm pretty sure It was a long time ago, we were neighbors remember?

"You remembered. she says with and astonishing beautiful expression.


Hellroo  i hoped all you guys liked the chapter ive recently  been writing wattpad on the computer and it feelsss superrr weridddd typing thissss .-. 

anywayssss oh my glob........

its going to get very smoky up in this next chapterrrr sorry spoilerss heheh 

SOTD>>>>> about a girl by Nirvanna 

( its a great song) 

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