Ian's POV

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I turned and walked into the hall, closing the door behind me. A moment later Amy Came storming out behind me, with a shirt on. "Ian!" She screamed. "How dare you!""You said come in," I reminded her with a smirk on my face. "Oh, you'll pay for that," She growled in my ear as she passed me. I only then realized how quickly she must have put on a shirt and done her hair, because she had total bed head when I went into her room.

 I only then realized how quickly she must have put on a shirt and done her hair, because she had total bed head when I went into her room

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I had no idea how she got dressed that fast. I wonder why she didn't kill me right then and there...

                                                                               ~Time Skip~

Everyone was here now. We were gathered around the table, and started brainstorming ideas on what to do. "Truth or Dare!" Someone called out. I looked around and knew that was what we were playing. Amy led us to the truth or dare room. Yep. They have a ROOM for truth or dare. Sinead said she was the one who suggested it, so she went first. "Dan truth or dare.""The ninja lord never backs down from a dare!""I dare you to date Natalie for the rest of the reunion." She replied with a smug smile on her face. Dan's mouth opened like he want ed to say something, then closed it. He did it again. Again. Again. Again. Finally, Natalie said "Oh, Forget it." Then leaned over and kissed Dan. On the mouth. Amy had to grab my arm to keep me from running over and killing Dan, then killing Sinead. When that didn't work, she had to grab the back of my shirt and Hamilton had to grab my other arm to pull me down, and Amy had to sit on my lap to keep me there."Phoenix, Truth or Dare?""Ummm... Truth?""Do you have have a crush on anyone?" Phoenix looked down, almost shamefully, and whispered"Amy," but luckily, the truth or dare room have built-in loudspeakers, so everyone heard him. I protectively wrapped my arms around Amy, who was still on my lap. Surprisingly, she didn't push me away. Phoenix said quickly, "Ian, truth or dare?" "Dare." I said instantly. "Building off of Sinead's, I dare you to date Amy for the rest of the reunion." Amy leaned her head back as I leaned my head forward and I kissed her. I. KISSED. AMY. CAHILL. ON. THE. LIPS. I was SOOOOOOOOO happy but I played it cool. "Hamilton, truth or dare." "Dare." He called "I dare you to date ... Sinead for the rest of the reunion." "Everyone is doing the same thing so let's just pair up everyone who hasn't been paired and then go eat pizza" Amy suggested. Everyone murmured their agreement. "So..." I began, but Amy cut me off. "Reagan and Ted, Madison and Ned, Jonah and Nellie, Hammer and Sinead, Dan and Natalie, Ian and I," Amy said. "Simple." Yeah, Right. Nothing is simple in this family.

A/N Okay, so I decided to do one of these every chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it. I'm gonna check how many reads I have in a sec, but I doubt I have, like, any. I started this story this afternoon. So, until next time, Marshettes! Drink milk! Have a nice day!


                                                                The Mallow.

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