Lost City of Atlantis

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I woke up on a sandy beach. My body was pretty numb (as usual) and my vision was somewhat blurry. I forced myself into a standing position and I looked around. It looked like I had been stranded on an island. I don't even remember being on a boat or anything. Until, I looked up. It looked like there were waves in the sky. Like a hologram. I should know, I work with computers all the time. Although, I could tell this was not something made by a computer or science. 

..But HOLY CRAP I'm doomed. I might as well drown myself now.. Or maybe do some exploring. I want my last meal to be milk. Just milk. I think I had orange juice last. That's just no good. I'll kill myself after.. OR! If I can find civilization I'll make them kill themselves firs- Dammit. I don't have my computers. "I'LL JUST HAVE TO MAKE IT BACK HOME NOW." I accidentally yelled aloud. Good thing no one is here to hear me! Anyways, I will not die before at least have the human race is wiped out... 

I ran my fingers through my soft, pink hair and I walked into the woods right behind that beach. I saw strange pillars everywhere and fools gold was hidden in the sandy grass everywhere. I continued to wander. Every once in a while I'd self consciously tug at the bottom of my multicolored shorts.

I found a freshwater spring hidden around some trees. It took a while to find it.

I may have tried the water from like fifteen different APPARENTLY salt water lakes. It tasted like my tears. 

Anyways, it's surprisingly hot down here considering it's like underwater. Like good lord, really? I think I'm already getting a sunburn from being here. My poor sensitive skin. I rubbed my shoulders.

Then, I sipped more of the water from that spring then dipped my hands in the water and ran my fingers through my hair to cool off- "MY HAIR IS POOFY FROM ALL THIS HUMIDITY. NOOOOOO. MY GORGEOUS STRAWBERRY LOCKS." I keep yelling for some reason, but that was surely one great reason. Cry. I may or may not have sobbed for the next half an hour because of that.. I had to go on my journey though.. I had to make it home. I crawled on my hands and knees dramatically. Just in case someone did happen to be hanging around here.. 

Eventually, I heard noises coming from a bush. Not a voice or a squeak, just some loud rustling.. I gasped and crawled to the bush and saw... Levi Ackerman. What the hell is he doing here? AND HE'S CLEANING BUSH. WITH WINDEX!? He glared up at me and tightened his bandanna. "Are you going to get down and help me remove this dust or just stand there and stare at me?" Levi asked, grumpily. "Neither. I'm just disturbed.. That's saying something cause I wanna destroy the human race.." Levi's eyes widened. "TITAN!? I though this place was safe. SUMMON THE TRO- Oh, I forgot.. I'm the only one here.." Levi stood up and ran away like a flower. I stared. Maybe this was the real reason that I've given up on humanity.. Maybe it's not just the fact that people suck.. 

I shook my head to get out of that little daze and I went on my way. After maybe two more hours of walking, my legs and feet hurt way to much to go on. My feet were just aching, but the scars and cuts on my legs were not mixing well with this heat. 

Soon it turned to night. It looked like the bottom of the ocean. I'll admit it, I think it's beautiful. Not just because it looks like a black hole that I want to jump in and die, but it reminds me of just something beautiful. It made me feel a little joy. 

It must've been around midnight and I still wasn't sleeping.. I heard whale noises. It made my anxiety go a little wild when I saw whales not floating far overhead. They made more of their weird noises as they flapped their giant tails and I saw water spraying out of their blowholes. By they time they all passed, I was soaked.. And freezing.. That water was hella cold and it was already cool outside anyways.

I shivered, curling up in a ball on the ground and trying hard to fall asleep.

It had become early morning as the SUN???? Rose. I hadn't got a wink of sleep. I sobbed at this fact like a hormonal teenager. I wanted off this island. I want my computers. I want my makeup. I want my bestie. I want my milk. I WANT MY SLEEP. I stood up, already pissed at like six AM. 

My legs were sore. I'm weak. I'm not meant for hiking. I trudged on. I approached a mountain that was pretty distant yesterday. MAYBE I CAN GET OUTTA HERE FROM THE TOP OF THERE. Oh, who am I kidding? I can't climb up a slide at a playground, how am I supposed to climb up something that tall and steep? 

I stared up there and noticed snow. AGAIN, WHY IS THERE SNOW AND WATER UNDERWATER!? WHAT IS THIS!? SPONGEBOB!? Also, I couldn't see the very top, clouds were blocking the view. Seriously..? I sighed and started to try to make my way up that mountain. I broke off so many rocks, nearly slipped a few times, and scraped my knee at every random rock there. 

After a long, long, long time. Like almost nightfall long time, I made it too the top. I reached up and I was able to touch the water. The top of the mountain is a surprisingly large platform. It had some sort of writing in maybe a bright blue ink. The writing started to glowing, I felt a tingling sensation, and I believe I passed out.

When I woke up, I was in bed. Well, that was interesting and most likely fake. I put my  hands in my pocket and felt something.. I pulled the item out, realizing that it was some fools gold I had collected. The gold glowed somewhat blue in the dim light of my room. At that moment, I realized it wasn't a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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