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• Amelia P.O.V •
I told Jacob yesterday that I would call and make an appointment to get an ultrasound so we can find out the gender. I called the doctors office and made an appointment for later today so I'm gonna get ready (*Baby get dressed we have to go to the doctors today*) I said to Jacob who was laying on the bed with Jackson (*REALLY*) he yelled (*Yes shhh don't be so loud*) I giggle. I take a quick shower and get dressed

(*Damn my wife is so sexy*) Jacob smirked while holding Jackson (*Thank you*) I laugh

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(*Damn my wife is so sexy*) Jacob smirked while holding Jackson (*Thank you*) I laugh. We put Jackson in the car and we drive to the doctors.


We got to the doctors office and I go to check in (*Hi how may I help you*) the woman asked (*Hi I have an appointment at 12:00*) I say (*Your name*) she said (*Amelia sartorius*) I tell her. She finds my name and tells me to take a seat. I sit down by Jacob, he looks at me and smiles (*What*) I laugh (*Amelia sartorius...I love the way that sounds*) he says grabbing my hand. We wait until I hear my name, we get up and follow the nurse to the room and Jacob sits in the car and sits Jackson on his lap (*Hello I'm Jenny I'll be performing the ultrasound. Can you please lift your shirt up to your breasts*) she smiles and I roll my shirt up (*Is this your first baby*) she asked (*No that's my son over there*) I said pointing to Jackson (*Is that your husband*) she asked, I nod (*He looks like his dad*) she smiles (*My little girl looks more like her dad but she has my personality*) she laughs. I look at Jacob who was smiling at the screen (*You're about sixteen weeks so we should be able to tell the gender*) she said watching the screen. She stops and wipes the gel off my stomach as she leaves to get the doctor (*Im so excited*) Jacob smiles. I laugh as the doctor walks in (*Hi I'm doctor Quinn it's nice to meet you*) she says shaking mine and Jacobs hand (*Hi, I'm not a doctor but when I got an ultrasound when I had my son the nurse told me the gender not the doctor is everything okay*) I ask (*Oh no everything's fine they just made a new rule that the doctor should give the results*) she smiles. I nod and she asked me to lift my shirt...again, she looked at the screen laughed (*They look like their fighting*) she laughs. I laugh and watch the screen (*Okay I cant tell the gender but you are having twins*) she said (*Wait twins is that why she needed your help*) I ask (*Yeah, but if you come back in a week we can tell the gender*) she said turning the monitor off and handing me a paper towel, (*Well I guess I'll see you two in a week. It was lovely meeting you*) she smiles walking out of the room. I get up and Jacob follows me to the car, I get in the drivers seat put my head on the wheel (*TWINS*) I scream (*Baby are you excited*) Jacob smiled shutting his door (*yes I'm happy but....That means I have to push our two babies not one TWO*) I said. He laughs and puts his hand on my thigh (*I love you*) he said (*I love you too*) I smile starting the car.


We walk inside the house and see Loren and hunter on the couch (*How did you get in*) I ask setting down my bag (*We know where Jacob keeps the spare key*) hunter laughs (*COME HERE*) Loren yells (*What*) I laugh sitting down by her (*Well what are you having*) she asked (*All we know is that they're twins but we don't know the genders*) I said (*Twins. Jacob dude you're gonna have three kids*) hunter laughs (*Im cool with it as long as with her*) he said kissing my cheek (*When do you find out the genders*) she asked (*Im supposed to go back in a week*) I say. She looks at hunter and smirks (*Well you know you could ask them for a car that says the gender but you guys won't know because we'll have a gender reveal party*) she smiles (*I think that would be a cute idea what do you think babe*) I ask Jacob as I grab Jacob out of his car seat (*I love that idea*) he said (*Then we're gonna have a gender reveal party*) I laugh. We all sit down an decide to watch a movie. I'm pregnant again and my best friends pregnant this is so weird but I think it's cool!!
What do you guys want the genders to be??
Let me know in the comments!!!

-Taylor 🖤💋

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