Chapter 9

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It was finally the day Louis was looking forward to and regretting. Everything he owned, or cared to bring with fit neatly in his vehicle. He wasn't expecting Harry to lift a finger to help, though his disdain for the man was slowly going away after that day when the hospital started on fire. If Louis had to put the address of his new place in the GPS, he told nobody as he drove. He was so immersed in his music that he almost missed the turn to lead to Harry's.

Not knowing where to park, he settled for pulling off to the side of the wide driveway and grabbed his boxes, loading them as high as he could, slinging the two duffle bags full of clothes over his shoulders then walked for the door. "Shit..didn't think this through." Louis kicked at the door with his foot, though he didn't doubt he could lean over and press the doorbell with his nose, but he would more than likely drop something.

"SOS! Not enough hands!" His high pitched voice carried hoping Harry could hear it.

Harry moved throughout his kitchen, getting lost in the sound of the boiling water and popping of the grease in the pan. He loved cooking, especially when it was for more than just himself. He liked watching a person's face when they tried the first small nibble. He was making something simple; spaghetti with homemade garlic knots. The house was filled with the mouth watering aroma of garlic and cheese, and blasting through the speakers was The Fray, the particular song being Never Say Never.

When a sudden high pitched, shrilly voice broke through the calm peacefulness that had surrounded him, Harry rolled his eyes and sauntered through the house with his rainbow apron still tied around his neck and waist. "You really need to start using your brain," Harry said as he opened the door and stepped aside, allowing enough room for Louis to get through. He wasn't going to help him with the boxes. He got himself into this mess, and he could get himself out of it.

That, and Harry wasn't particularly happy about today. He's had the entire week to get used to the idea of living with Louis, and had brewed enough over the subject, but ultimately, he was the one who chose this. He could have rejected him, but one night with a weakening heart made him agree not to. He wished he could take it back, but he wasn't that kind of man. They still haven't worked anything out, or had the talk Harry had promised that night, because he had woke up the next morning to an empty house and a note on his bed with five simple words.

Zayn called. I went home.

He hasn't seen Louis alone since. He always had his pack of mutts with him. "You never told me, are we sharing a room, or would you prefer your own?" Harry asked, closing the door behind the boy with a soft click. He hoped whatever Louis chose to do, he would do it soon because Sarah would be here in half an hour to check on them and have dinner with them as they discuss 'Dom/Sub' expectations and rules in a little more depth.

The amazing smell filled Louis' nostrils when he was allowed in the house. His stomach growled, letting him know he hadn't eaten anything yet due slightly to nerves and being busy. And, the damn cat decided today of all days to hide, so that took some time. "Smells good. I didn't know you cooked, I figured you would have a cook."

"Kiss my ass and tread lightly or I'll sick the cat on you." Louis bent to open the carrier and gently pulled an overly fluffy Siamese out. "This is Mimsy. She does not shed, bite or have front claws." He held the animal up to Harry, the cat giving a displeased meow. "We can share a room if you'd like." Louis said quietly, stroking the animal.

Smiling lightly at Harry, he stepped closer to kiss his cheek. "Hi. Nice to see you by the way. Oh, I parked in the driveway, is that okay?"

Eyeing the creature in Louis' arms with distaste, Harry took a sudden step back when Louis kissed his cheek, small sparks of electricity shooting throughout his face. "Why do you have a hairless rat?" he asked, reaching a finger to poke the wrinkly cat to push aside his reaction to the kiss. What was his problem? Just kissing whoever was in the doorway? He's never been interested in siamese cats, or the fuzz they got during the winter. He prefered nice, fat, fluffy cats that shed everywhere. At least they didn't like a sixty year old mans cock.

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