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1978, Chamberlain, Maine

Ewen High School

June Sixth

Chris stood in the showers, wrapped in a towel. She was gritting her teeth. "I can see you, you know." She said.

Out of the corner of her eye, girls fiddled with tampons and sanitary pads. She could tell that they wanted to throw them. "Do it, and I'll kill you." She said.

"Why is it okay for you to do it, then? You threw tampons at Carrie." One girl said.

Chris whipped around, her hair still wet. "So did you. If I remember correctly, Norma, you threw first." She leaned back. "None of you are better than me."

"What about Sue?" Norma asked. "She stopped."

Chris laughed. "Really? Sue stopped throwing tampons at Carrie White, and that makes her a damm saint? No wonder Carrie likes her so much then, she's an angel sent from heaven to cleanse us of our sins!" She gushed sarcastically, her eyes aglow with fake admiration. "I'm tired of hearing all this shit about how Sue is just so perfect because she told her boyfriend to take Carrie to the prom."

"She's better than you." Another girl said. "No wonder she's not friends with you anymore."

Chris gritted her teeth until tiny chips of them started coming off. Her dad was going to be mad about this. Another trip to the dentist. "Shut up, Hannah." She said. "I don't know why I ever liked any of you. You're all sheep." She whipped around and started yelling.

"There, right there!" She pointed at the showers. "That's where we all, even Sue, threw tampons at Carrie White. You know why we did it? Because we could! Because I did, then someone else did, then someone else!" She stomped over to the broken dispenser on the wall, taking a tampon out. She threw it at the girls, and it hit Norma in the chest. She laughed hysterically, like she was possessed.

"Just like that! Just like that! I threw a tampon," She took another one from the dispenser. "And I threw it!" Then she threw it, right into Norma's stomach. It bounced off. "Just like that! Come on girls! 'Oh ha-ha, Chris is throwing tampons at her! Let's blindly follow her, because we can!'"

Chris' laughter started to die. "No, you wouldn't do that. Because doing that would upset your new leader. It would upset Sue, or Carrie. You can't do anything without a leader." She said. She walked through the crowd of girls. Her back still turned, she left the girls with one final piece of advice.

"Well, if I'm the new Carrie now, the bottom dog, then I'll be the most vicious dog you've ever seen." But before she could even walk off, something struck her in the back of the head. She reached up and felt it. She laughed.

There was a tampon in her hair. 

The Blood Still Drips - Carrie WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now