Chapter 2

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"What's her story?" Leighton's tone was deliberately casual as he sat in Michael's office after the meeting. It had gone pretty well and they were planning to go on to phase two. The signing of contracts to make the deal legal. 

"Who?" Michael asked as he handed Leighton a small bottle of orange juice.

"Your accountant." Leighton's pulled the cork and drank down the fresh orange juice contemplatively.


He shrugged a little bit. "Can't a guy be curious? She attacked me when I just got here and asked her to pour me a cup of coffee."

Michael laughed at that. "Dianne is a sharp shooter."
"So what's up with her?"

"She is a single mother who is trying to make a living for her and her daughter. What is it to you?"

"I was thinking of asking her out for coffee," he said with a grin.

"Don't mess with her Leighton."

"Have you ever kn own me to mess around with a beautiful woman before?" Leighton asked him mildly. "You have found the love of your life allow me to find mine."
"And that would be Dianne?"

"You never know," he got to his feet. "The father in the picture?"


"Good. Thanks for the Vitamin C." he handed Michael the empty bottle. "And nice doing business with you. Tell Camille hi for me."

Michael watched him leave with a thoughtful expression on his face.


He was waiting for her when she came out of the building and was walking to her car. Usually she took the subway but it had been too nasty out and she had decided to take her car. Jade was at the aftercare and she was thinking of stopping to pick up some groceries before picking her up. The child ate like food was going out of style! 

She stopped abruptly as she saw him leaning on a shiny BMW. "I figured you would be getting off about now. Which one is yours?"

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you. Why?" he asked her guilelessly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Look man I have a kid to go home to and no time at all to play games so take it somewhere else." she said as she walked towards her small compact car. He followed her and she suppressed a sigh.

"I want to have dinner with you. How old is your daughter?"

She turned and almost bumped into him that was how close he was to her. "I did not tell you I had a daughter."

"I have my ways." he placed his hands on her arms to steady her and kept them there."What do you say?"

"I would say that you need to get out of my face," she said pushing at him.

"I am not leaving until you give me an answer."

"Then the answer is no."

"Try again."
"I am this close to calling 911."

"Too much paperwork and I am sure you have no time for that." he let her go and stepped back just a little bit. "I will be back Dianne," he said and with a little wave he left going to his car. He opened the door and looked back at her with a smile. "I am afraid that I do not give up easily so be prepared."

Dianne watched him leave the parking lot and then shaking her head she got into her car.


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