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Hola Amigos!

Hope you all are doing fine.

The entries of Likhavat 3.0 are up now. Link :

Do Read and Vote.


The rules for voting are as follows:

1)Before Voting, Please read all the pieces carefully and then decide! There are total 20 pieces and you have time till 30 November 2017, 11:59 pm to vote. Choose wisely!

2)Having made up your mind on which pieces you like the most, you can now vote for 3 pieces. Here is how you vote: Write a comment on this book, which should read: I would like to vote for "Piece Name" , "Piece Name" and "Piece Name"

Please vote as suggested only

3) Voters should vote for 3 pieces only, so if you vote for more, only the first three will be counted.

4) Participants can vote but NOT for their own piece of work.

5) Refrain from editing your vote, or reposting, it gets tedious to count. Decide well and then vote to avoid changes.

6)Please do not make any comments about the pieces in it, this thread is for the voting only.

7) Arrangements for IF users is already made on India Forums. And IF users if you have already voted there, refrain from voting here again.

8) We will be taking screenshots of the the every vote from from here and paste it on the thread in India forums, making it the master thread. Counting of votes will be done there itself.

Link of voting thread on India Forum :

Right so here you go!,




Likhavat 3.0 Voting threadWhere stories live. Discover now