our infinite days are numbered (but I will always want you)

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Here's the thing.

Lauren was usually a pretty happy person. She had a job, amazing family and friends, she was completely healthy, and most importantly she had a roof over her head. So yeah, she was pretty happy with her life.

Except today. Yeah, today it had all gone to shit.

She woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed, definitely. She had started her period that morning, completely out of sync to when it usually did so she wasn't really mentally prepared, but it didn't matter. Her motto when it came to consistent bleeding out of her uterus was that, really, you couldn't be moody one week out of every four. That's like, a whole quarter of the year spent being a wreck. But anyway, she didn't let it bother her.

Until later, apparently. She spilled coffee all over her new white blouse, and then dropped her cereal bowl, so a piece of porcelain went right into her foot and- godamn, did it hurt like a bitch.

Then, already being late for school at that point, naturally she forgot her keys inside the house, as well as her presentation for her professor that was due in twenty minutes.

Sighing in defeat, Lauren proceeded to call Normani and ask her for her spare keys, and so her best friend came round to drop them off, not without a fair amount of teasing at the bird shit currently on Lauren from a pigeon that was flying overhead.

She was now very very late for her presentation and when she got to the lecture, her teacher yelled at her in front of everyone about the importance of being on time. God, Lauren hated her. She was just mad at life because she was single and alone, and didn't really have much of a life beyond staying at home with blankets and Normani coming home to...oh. Lauren scrunched her nose up at the realisation that she was literally describing herself. She was so lame, it was actually kind of funny. Or made her want to cry, depending on how you look at it actually.

Anyway, the presentation went to shit as well, she dropped her cue cards 7 times, stuttered through the entire thing, and then walked into the projector, causing it to shatter into pieces. Great, Lauren thought dryly, another thing I'll have to pay for.

Then, her mother decided to grace her with her voice in the form of a phonecall, yet again describing in brutal detail exactly why she thought her major was completely useless and would not get her anywhere in life.

Pair that with the homeless guy that straight up groped her on the train, plus everything else that had happened that day, and Lauren was quite literally on the verge of a mental breakdown.

And completely not in the mood to go to work.

Still, she had a very expensive projector to pay for.

So, sighing reluctantly, she tied her apron behind her back and started taking coffee orders.

She broke a machine, dropped three cups of coffee, and then slipped on some spilt liquid right onto her ass, where she now had a dark coffee stain.

She was a fucking mess.

And then this guy walks in.

One of those assholes who everyone in a 50 mile radius had to know how freakin' great they were or the whole world would freeze over. One of those assholes who thought because they had a dick, they were entitled to put in wherever the hell they pleased. One of those assholes who voted for Trump.

She knew this was going to end badly. Still, she forced on a smile, which may or may not have come out as more of a grimace, but still the effort was there, and said, "Hello, welcome to The Coffee Cup, what can I get for you today?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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our infinite days are numbered (but I will always want you) Where stories live. Discover now