Ayo,I'm Bambi/Bam
I'm basically the main owner of this account so suck it losers.
I have an unapproachable personality but I'm actually nice lmao.
My birthday is on Feb 22nd.
My ultimate group is seventeen and my ub is China line as well as my favourite ship ;))))))).
So if this account comments on a junhao book it's me.
I love art and dance and I'm a tomboy I guess.
Hey I'm from the U.K. And I speak roadman .Literally.
I consider myself funny but if not then dOnT spEaK tO mE bRuV.
I look like Jun from seventeen how could I be cursed with such beauty.
I'm also bi I guess.
My fiancé is great aka Alex whose later on.
Go dm me @iminnocentplez